The expected standard is what someone will be doing after years of practice. For pretty much any instrument. Before that is a learning and pain curve for the players and innocent bystanders. Different instruments have different pain curves, and different targets. Few people expect polyphony from violin players even though violins are successors of viols and notwithstanding Bach having written four-part fugues to play on the violin solo. Accordion gets to a standard expectation of melody and accompaniment for a number of music styles pretty fast. Piano is similar in that respect. I'd argue that the stuff you can cover well with standard bass tends to be easier on accordion than on piano.No instrument is easy to play to any standard,
How long does it take you to do a "typical showpiece" on an instrument? In the end: who cares? We play what we love to play, and that's the only way to make headway in the end.
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