A Morino I cannot really be compared with the later nice Morino accordions. A Morino I has no cassotto, and is found mostly in accordion museums, not in use by actual players...Morino eh? Potentially a lot of value if in good internal condition
Click on REPLY.Haven't fig'd out how to quote,
You must be a helluva accordionist! Most people don't make enough money busking in a day to pay for their lunch! Do you have any videos of you playing online?I will mention that I restored old accordions as old as 100 yrs and made more money in a day than an old Morino sold for, playing in public,
... at the expense of sound quality, but that can be personal preference, of course.No cassotto saves a lot of weight.
I think you are confusing cassotto and sordinos a little. The effects they both produce... vastly different. But I understand what you are saying!As for cassotto, many manufacturers were trying to find alternatives, for example Excelsior wooden mute, Settimio Soprani Ampliphonic reed blocks, Titano Tube Chamber, Atlantic IV "window shade" mute, the special grille shape on the Crucianelli-Pan with the "Venetian blind" shifts, a tapered removable resonator on a Swiss Atlantic IV, none of which are as resonant as a cassotto, but they make up some of the slack by not weighing nearly as much, and more importantly much more cost-effective to manufacture.
Most people who are not experienced with accordions will pick them up, press a few keys, hit a few buttons and pronounce the accordion as being in "perfect" condition... then someone else opens them up, takes a look at that same accordion, plays it for 3 minutes and tells you that the cost to remove the mold, replcae all curled valves, replace the bellows and retune it will far outweigh what it's market value actually is.I was fortunate enought to be gifted an old hohner accordion and I was wondering what it's value was, it has a bellows lock and two palm switches
If I had any money right now I'd make you an offer. I totalled my good car and can't get out to any good locations to busk at.It still works fine, It plays fairly well and there doesn't seem to be a lot of damage if any