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Favorite Accordion Noir Radio episodes? (Biased Opinion)

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2014
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Over here Joe from Chicago asked about favourite episodes of my Accordion Noir radio show. I thought maybe it was worth its own thread.

Accordion Noir is actually turning eight years old at the end of this December, so I think Ill post this on my new Co-op Radio.org podcast site.

A favourite of mine was when Jared Snyder joined us to talk about the lost African American accordion tradition. (Lead Bellys first instrument.) One listener didnt like it because we talked too much. Its true I could talk about this stuff all night. Consider yourself lucky its radio and you can turn me down. AccNoir-2011-11-09, African Americans played Accordion before they played the Blues, with Jared Snyder

Another one had the distinction of us totally trashing our playlist and spontaneously coming up with a new themed show when it was announced that there was a riot in downtown Vancouver after a hockey game. So as the show ran we came up with an hour of riot themed accordion music on the spot. That was good radio. AccNoir-2011-06-15, Accordion Riot in Canada

I appreciate any episode where my co-host Rowan was gone and out of loneliness I improvise explanations as to where he was (investigating accordion-playing penguins in Antarctica, cleaning the streets of Vancouver with a leaf-blower attached to his accordion, and my favourite when he actually arrived just in time to join me from the International Space Station in a live broadcast while they deployed their accordion folded solar panels. Awesome. AccNoir-2009-03-27, Mix Up, and up, and up... Id always rather have him there in person of course.

I look back favourably on some of our theme episodes.

The Rock and Roll history of Accordion was really fun. AccNoir-2008-04-18, Rock n Accordion Show though I notice the level of my voice is too low, sorry.


AccNoir-2009-01-16, Lars Hollmer Tribute A commemoration of the founding member of the Accordion Tribe Lars Hollmer.

AccNoir-2010-11-24, Grand ol Accordion Opry When I started uncovering just how much early (pre-1960) country music had accordion I had fun with that:

A somewhat bizarre combo: (promo ad) Accordion Noir, Brasil-Finland Fundraiser Promo!
AccNoir-2008-10-24, Brasil-Finland International Friendship Episode! The full show: (We went back and forth with one track from Brazil and then one from Finland for the whole program. Silly fun.)

Holidays are always fun:
AccNoir-2008-10-31, Halloween Fundraiser
AccNoir-2011-03-09, International Women’s Day 100 year anniversary
Accordion Noir 2013-12-25, Jingle Bell Rocks rocks (3 hour not-all-accordion Christmas show!) This monster 3-hour Christmas show was darn jolly.

AccNoir-2009-02-06, Rowan at the Movies Rowans film-music nights are great.

And I have a soft-spot for the wacky other instrument -Noir shows weve done during Vancouver Co-op Radios fund-drives. Those are always fun:

AccNoir-2011-09-23, Accordion Resistance Special Ukulele Gudge-show with Barbara Adler
AccNoir-2011-10-19, Hurdy Gurdy Noir (fund-raiser, part I) with Bev Dobrinsky of Zeelia
AccNoir-2011-10-26, Hurdy Gurdy Noir (Fund-raiser part II) with David Burda!
AccNoir-2010-04-09, Jaw Harp Noir PRA (Pre-Recorded Announcement)
AccNoir-2011-04-20, Banjo Noir, the announcement!
AccNoir-2011-04-20 (pt 2 of 3), Banjo Noir First Hour, with Linda Bull and Sue Malcolm
AccNoir-2011-04-20 (pt 2 of 3), Banjo Noir Second Hour, with a little bit of Linda Bull and Sue Malcolm

Weirdest show we ever did?
AccNoir-2010-10-27, Theremin, Musical-Saw, Glass Harmonica, Special Announcement!
AccNoir-2010-10-27, Theremin, Musical-Saw, Glass-Harmonica Noir.

In some ways I might be most proud of the little promo announcements I make for the show and various specials. Those take a lot of editing and are really fun. Im working on a new one now. (Note, PRA=Pre Recorded Announcement, in radio-speak.)
Accordion Rock n Noir PRA by Accordion Noir
Accordion Noir Historical PRA (perhaps my favourite promo for the show. Silly.)
Accordion Noir Electronica (dub) (the wordless base for a promo. Sampled from ten different accordion artists.)
AccNoir-2010-05-12, Electronica/New Time PRA (the final announcement with me talking. I was proud of this one.)
Accordion Noir, Brasil-Finland Fundraiser Promo!
Accordion Noir: Halloween Fundraiser PRA Announcement: Oct 31, 2008
Ukulele Noir! April 24th takeover show, promo ad!

And if you doubt the power of radio: My daughter wanted a teacher, and found one!
Harriets plea for a girl piano-accordion teacher in Vancouver!
This is wonderful, I need to take a week off work to listen to it... Thank you.
I know what you mean Matt. With this much material you'll be off the streets for weeks.
This is great; thanks so much! I will download these for my holiday travel playlist. Long live Accordion Noir!
Thanks all,

I was afraid of tooting my own horn talking about Accordion Noir. We have tried to spread the word about a lot of music and hope folks will hear artists they like and go on to support them directly. So dont stop with our show, but thanks very much for listening!

Bruce from Accordion Noir Radio (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
http://www.coopradio.org/content/accordion-noir (the radio show)
http://www.AccordionUprising.org (random things leading up to the book Im working on)
<EMAIL email=accordion.noir@gmail.com>accordion.noir@gmail.com</EMAIL>
twitter: @AccordionBruce
That's why it takes so long to get through the episodes! I always have to interrupt the podcast to listen to a bunch of albums. Good problem to have, I guess.
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