With or without midi parts reaching bass straps fittings can be a pain.
I recommend trying the angled screwdriver or pliers and screw bit already suggested.
Just remember somebody put the thing in in the first place so it MUST be possible to get it out.
Two thoughts occur: If the strap has been working its way loose for some time then
the screw holes will likely have been racked and widened. Those should be plugged with a close fitting, glued wooden dowel, to give the screw fitting a fresh, new start.
If the midi board nearest the strap fixing is in the road I think this could be safely, temporarily removed just by removing the screw at (1). The fixing at (2) might just be a push fit and it will come out fairly easily.
Can you advise what the two holes, marked by red arrows, are for?
I see a 9v battery connection in the picture as well.
I have spoken to ‘jollyrodgeraccordions’ at Andover about 70 or 80miles away and have found him a helpful chap.