- You need a minimum of 10 posts elsewhere on the forum before you can post in here. Please don't try placing for sale adverts elsewhere on the forum, or try getting to 10 posts by posting nonsense posts; doing this will get your posts and your account deleted.
- Make sure you include the price you want for the item. "Offers", "make an offer", etc. is unacceptable.
- Include a location for the item - at the very minimum the country.
- Include at least 1 photo of the item. If you use a stock photo instead of a photo of the actual item for sale then please say so.
- Any items posted here for sale will be deleted after approx. 6 months. If your item has not sold you can relist it again as many times as you like.
- If you do wish to post an item for sale here without the requisite number of posts then there will be a charge of £5 per item. Please contact me via the messaging system here if this is of interest to you.
- This forum runs primarily on donations. If your item does sell from being advertised here, please consider making a small donation towards the upkeep of the forum.