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Frontalini frustration….

Without pictures you paint a very complicated picture. However as long as you can see the way forward it doesn't matter about anybody else. It was a while before I noticed Frontalini had used a fixed pattern of ovals/lugs to obtain the 4 chords and I feel fairly sure that this a design feature which will be fairly common in their accordions of a certain age. Since yours has 111 bass buttons there obviously won't be 12 chords buttons for each set of 4 chords but, again, this is a feature, which will be useful because it will be obvious from the button keyboard exterior which chords are missed out to make a total of 111 instead of the more normal 120.
It will be interesting to hear about your progress.
Likewise with the crafts I would starve as well if I was doing it for a living but the main thing is having a go without doing too much damage.
While I was a marine engineering apprentice/junior our senior officer was a man called McHale from Belfast and he kept our feet on the ground by telling us that an engineer was somebody who could could do in an hour what any silly 'b....r' could do in two hours.