Dingo40 pid=71558 dateline=1587884948 said:
Alls well LH
Though it was a somewhat mind-bending experience !
The screechy tone is something I grew up with, hearing it almost daily on both Scottish and Irish tuned instruments. One Italian maker (cant remember which) did Scottish at 25 cents and Irish at 27, as standard.
You do get used to it, but the old recordings did it no favours at all.
Scottish tuning benchmark :- Jimmy Shand
Early French musette benchmark:- Emile Vacher (diatonic), Emile Prudhomme (CBA)
Later French musette benchmark:- Jo Privat (8 cents americain on two MM reeds)
Balkan musette benchmark: What the hell is three voice musette?
Classical musette benchmark:- Same as Balkan.
Opinions will always differ from place to place as to what fits the bill.
No issues at all with the clip Terry. I just didnt know who 50 cent was, so I never saw through the comparison.
Maybe somebody in NY will post Who the hell was Jimmy Shand?
FWIW I have a cousin in the US who is from Rahway in New Jersey, and she was married to a Tamla Motown session drummer, mainly playing with Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. I never got into Frankie Valli either, as my hearing wasnt up to the pitch the Four Seasons sang at. Four voice falsetto, and not an accordion in sight!
Dingo40 pid=71556 dateline=1587856706 said:
Ive always enjoyed Jimmy Shands playing whenever Ive heard it.
I have some 78s by him and some albums of sheet music ( which I havent mastered

To me, hes OK!
I believe music is entirely an acquired taste.
How could it be otherwise, given the range from Tibetan throat singing to Mozart to Mr 50 cent .
I dont care for much of it myself but who cares?
Each to his own!
Like all regional and national music, it is harder than it sounds, and I just dont have the discipline to play at the sort of tempos that are involved.
Maybe I was born in the wrong country.
Thats entertainment, screechy accordion et al!