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Happy Mother’s Day


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Feb 26, 2023
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It’s Mother’s Day in the USA.

Happy Mother’s Day to all applicable and who celebrate it!

How has or how does your mother(s) support your love of the accordion and accordion playing?

If it applies to you, how has or how does being a mother support and contribute to your love of the accordion and accordion playing? How has your family supported you and helped to contribute to your love of the accordion?

Celebrating and grateful for mothers!
Happy Mother's Day everyone! My mother supports my accordion playing, even from 1000 miles away. The mother I live with also supports my accordion habit, especially the Roland🤣🤣. She actively supports paying to take lessons to improve (change) my style. Trying to tell me something?
My mum used to take me to my accordion lessons from age 4 to my teens. She also insisted in discussion with my dad that if I got an accordion at age 4 I had to have a set of lessons as part of it. No worries. I was hooked!
My ma supported and modeled instrument playing as long as I can remember. So I think it starts there. My ma was regularly playing her autoharp throughout my childhood growing up. Then she added the dulcimer that she tried learning to in various periods of time. I would say her support of me being in band junior high and high school was pretty significant and gave me a solid appreciation and love of instrument playing and the joy and benefits of doing so. Later on in life when I began to be drawn towards accordion music, she was thrilled and very much was enthusiastic, very interested, and regularly checking in. When I went to the Cotati Accordion Festival, we spent quite a few long phone calls talking about it and sharing. When I finally I decided and committed to learn to play the accordion, she, in her motherly way, very much supported in her joy and enthusiasm...being happy that was doing something for fun that wasn't work related or professional development related and excited I found a new love and passion.