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Has anyone read any of these books?

I played music (guitar and accordion) for many years (6 or 8 ?) at an Alzheimer's support group (as have others on here), and can tell you music therapy with your accordion is super effective in bringing joy to people suffering from this. You won't make much money at it but it is super grarifying if you are into this sort of thing.

Good for you! For those who haven't tried this I can say it can is highly rewarding - it brings joy to the listeners AND the performer. Not an accordion for me, but piano - when visiting a relative in an assisted living place I often sat down at the piano and played some old popular songs and hymns. All was from memory or improvised and nobody cared if it wasn’t perfect - the most forgiving audience ever!! Our relative and some others suffered from Alzheimer’s, some were mobility impaired, and I think some simply didn’t have other housing and care options.

The people seemed so appreciative, some clapping, moving, and singing along. Some came up to me with stories, some had requests. Another relative would come one a week with a men’s quartet from his church and sing hymns.

If you have the facilities to host something a bit unusual, perhaps check with the management. Our local assisted living place was always open to bringing people to our farm for an outing.


They’d bring a van with a few people at a time who would sit in a semicircle and I’d bring out animals one at a time. The mini donkey Macy was a hit! I also brought out a chicken or peacock in a cage, llamas and alpacas (some people have never petted an alpaca!) Back when I was a bit more limber I would jump up on a horse bareback, and ride around a bit. (BTW I did this on the other side of a fence.)

All I can say that anything you can do to brighten somebody’s day is good for your own soul! I hereby promise that if I can learn to play this accordion I certainly plan to take it! Maybe mix it up with some guitar, piano, harmonica, etc. Ooo, maybe go with a friend who plays well and do some accordion/guitar polka.
