Mine arrived without a charger or FCB-7 pedal. I need to plug it in to see if it powers up. Thanks
Thank you. Also, have you heard of a guy in NY that also makes power supplies?Reach out to JIMD here on this board, he has made some that MAY fit yours.
Thanks for the good ideas, Ventura. I am slowly scraping together some knowledge on the matter of powering this thing!Gregory,
you need to clarify before anyone gets in too deeply here
did you buy this as-is / for parts ?
were you aware this instrument, the original Roland series, is not a complete
device without the FBC-7 pedalboard.. you cannot access the full functionality
of the device without it, and the proprietary cable which connects them
while the unit CAN be used stand alone with a battery pack, it's functionality is
limited, as well as the Battery is charged with the FBC-7 either inside or out of
the FR7 for ongoing use
if you were not aware of any of this, then you may have recourse with the seller..
a bare bones FR7 is, for the most part, a doorstop, unless you are an
experienced electronics tech who can build your own Power system and
breakout box for the MIDI and pedal switching connections
if a bare bones FR7 is described as a functioning/working device then the
seller MUST at least provide a power source to prove that, otherwise
it is being mis-represented and is a false flag advertisement
My opinion (and thats all it is), is that I'd avoid the older generations, because:ps: anyone wants one, that 7x is still for sale up in
New Jersey on Clist.. it has been for sale now at least
2 years
Or, it could be that in that geological area, there’s no demand for a used FR-7x.My opinion (and thats all it is), is that I'd avoid the older generations, because:
- the things that the newer ones can do that the older ones cannot
- at the ages of these things when they came out, unless specified, you will definitely need replacement batteries.
- there is a known issue with the 7x that if you recall, Cory Pesaturo had several times happen to him (the non-stop droning bass button) thats happened to way too many 7X owners
PS - If something has been for sale for over 2 years, SOMETHING has to be up. It's either a scam or ridiculous price or non-functional or missing important parts.