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Help with workable treble fingering (PA)

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Nov 28, 2014
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Hi All,
As a new self learner, I'm often somewhat unsure of the "best" right hand fingering. I am currently learning a popular folk song and while I can play it somewhat slowly, I regularly get into a fingering "Knot" specially around the B flats. so I thought that if some kind Accordionist could find the time to add correct (or best) fingering numbers under the notes of the attachment it would help me greatly.

Although I spend considerable time practising scales, I find that best fingering when playing an actual piece of music is often quite confusing. Probably my age (in the 70's) doesn't help !

Your help would be sincerely appreciated.
Cheers John


I had a quick look at this on a horizontal keyboard, and I found that if you arrange the fingering so that the F's and Bb's are always played on the third finger, the rest seem to line up using "under the thumb" as and when..

So I have a differing view on the fingering and it just goes to show that there isn't one "correct" fingering, but what works best for the person playing.

When I went through it I found that 3 did land on F and work for most of the segments, but then I also found that 3 stretched to the A and left 4 on the Bb quite well for me.

Attached is what I came up with.
The only suggestion going forward with this type of song (and music in general) is the one that my teacher gave me. Try to keep your 1st (thumb) and 5th (pinky) off of sharps and flats where possible.

You didn't say (unless I missed it) if you were playing a PA or a button box, so the above post and the attachment assumed that you play a PA.


perhaps the thread should be called help with workable' treble fingering' rather than 'correct' fingering

George (in pedantic mode) ;)
BobM said:
I had a quick look at this on a horizontal keyboard, and I found that if you arrange the fingering so that the Fs and Bbs are always played on the third finger, the rest seem to line up using under the thumb as and when..


It might pan out differently on my P/A, but I found it a little tricky at first; easier in G but after a few minutes I found the fingerings back in the key of F, as above.

fjsys said:
You didnt say (unless I missed it) if you were playing a PA or a button box, so the above post and the attachment assumed that you play a PA.

Ben, many thanks for your help and quick response. Yes you guessed right I was referring to a PA. I will give it a try with your suggested fingering later today and see how it works for me.
I will also bear in mind your teachers advice to try and avoid thumbs and pinkies on the flats/sharps ! Also thanks to the other posters for your input.

George: I will try to edit the thread title per your suggestion. ..not sure if I can or if only admin has that capability.

Cheers John
<FONT font=Garamond><SIZE size=125>Here it is with some very minor changes:


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