Or the posh version which you could carry in your sporran!
Or the posh version which you could carry in your sporran!
I wonder where they get the media. I converted my music electronics to USB drives when even new old stock became too unreliable for reformatting and writing (and partly even just for reading).You guys are all talking about the past. I live in it! Here in Japan all government functions and administration is still done by floppy disk. Mostly 3,5 inch, but 5¼-inch are also still around. Still shocked every time I visit city hall.
Speaking of assembly language, I still have my “green card” around here somewhere. Load and link register, baby!
Of course the building had its own power supply backups so the operators did not have to do this other than after repairs/replacements.
I loved assembly language. 40 years on my and a friend (who has a PhD in this sort of thing) still test each other on 6502 op codes. Though as the years pass, I've forgotten the hex values, but I could still probably throw together a little programme.
That must be the smoothest turnabout to get the discussion back on topic I've seen in ages. Perfect.
Yup, I was the guy that you handed your box of cards to and sorted and distributed the printouts (after changing the font keys). I’m sorry I dropped your deck Dak! Oh, those were the days!
Workflows on those machines was you typed your program into a cardpunch typewriter, sorted your stack with the proper job control cards and fed them into the central cardreader (which sucked through a 2000-card box in less than a minute I think, presumably using optical sensing). Later you'd get the output from the high-speed chain printers (about 2000 lines per minute) into your personal output tray. Admittedly I only needed the assembly language manual to make sense of the "post mortem dumps" most of your programs initially generated instead of proper output. Those included the assembly language generated by the compiler and the instructions causing your program to abort and related memory references.
But enough about 60-bit processors: the one where I still know most execution cycle counts by heart is the Zilog Z80, and for good reason.
Do you mean those serious looking operators in their white lab coats have taken me for a ride and the button board was not for keying in the bootstrap loader but for controlling the HVAC? More likely, use of that panel was only necessary after exchanging faulty memory. To be honest I cannot even vouch for correctly identifying the system. The 6400 was mainly used for conversions those days (and running some library jobs): as opposed to the "main" CDC175 it had a papertape reader.If the 6400 used magnetic-core memory (which I would assume yours did, but a later upgrade might've been possible, so who knows?), then it would've kept its contents even with the power off. The one advantage to the older technology!
I still have my aluminum pocket Pickett in its little leather case! Actually use it once in a while.Or the posh version which you could carry in your sporran!