Hi to all,
I have recently purchased my first piano accordion and I'm curious as to when it was made. I hope someone here may be able to help me. I have contacted Hohner in Germany and have been given some interesting information but not the year of manufacture.
It is labelled Arietta I M in gold lettering on the casing. It has a four digit serial number with one digit not clearly stamped. It is either 1 318 or more likely 1 818.
Hohner have told me that the Arietta I M was produced between 1954 and 1956 and that it had different design features. Therefore, it is a Concerto II made at Trossingen between 1962 and 1980 and renamed Arietta I M to be exported by their Swiss subsidiary Akkordina in CH-Altstatten, as the four digit number relates to that company. Hohner do not have any records of those serial numbers.
However, according to the Hohner list of accordions available on this forum, the Arietta I M was made between1953 and 1957 and the Concerto II between 1956 and 1980. I have seen photos of instruments with at least four different designs that are identical but labelled either Arietta I M or Concerto II.
There is another number, engraved rather than stamped, on the back of the bass end, along the edge next to the bellows. It is C P 5 0 8 4 7 8 6 3 3. Hohner said it is unknown to them.
So, does anyone have any idea as to where my instrument sits in the construction timeline? If someone has one with the same grille design and a Hohner serial number that would be very helpful. Any thoughts about the engraved number would be welcome.
Kind regards, Ian.