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Hohner delivery certificate from 1963

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If the certificate is 9 cents sharp, be careful you don't get a paper cut (sorry, couldn't resist it - won't happen again🤞).

Where was I? Ah, yes '63, a good year for the Gola! My old 414 was also a 1963 build... just sayin'.
Thanks to contributers.

I mentioned the instrument being tuned 9 cents sharp because there’s other threads on this site which suggest that any tuning more than a couple of cents away from standard 440Hz is not good.
The German note identification shows A5 being a’’ (880Hz). It follows, I hope, that the ‘tremolo’ setting which is at a’ (A4 440Hz). 10 beats at this note equates to about 40 cents. I doubt if this is the distance between the middle/straight M reed and the M+ (or M-). It seems more likely to (to me) that the 40 cents is the distance between the M+ and M-.
Accordions didn't get much better than these Gola 414s. If Giovanni Gola was happy to set the tuning as noted on the certificate, then that's good enough for me.

I notice the delivery location of England. I wonder if it went to Bell of Surbiton? They seem to have been big sellers of Golas and other great instruments over the years.

I have seen a number of Golas from this period and the reeds look amazing, a class above...
I agree. I have found instruments set much higher (high teens) in cents. These had mostly come from Italy. I'm not going to be the one who suggests that the Italians have got it wrong.
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