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how to put bounce into reels

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<HIGHLIGHT highlight="#ffbfff">[highlight=#ffbfff]I'm only a few years in still and I've only started to understand these subtleties a little more recently, and for me I wasn't strict with it, it came over time. I guess if you're being taught formally and want to learn quickly you have to be strict, but if your happy learning in your own time, it'll just come one day, and then you'll think "Blimey, George was right!" :lol:
I agree in sentiment to what everyone else is saying, and completely understand it, but George knows what he's talking about on this :geek: {} :ch[/highlight]</HIGHLIGHT>

Absolutely ,and now two years almost to the day that I first picked up the box I now feel I have enough control to stop just playing at playing and start to put some serious (not a word I am over familiar with, LTS) work into the pleasure of being able to produce a half decent tune that is almost recognisable........so not dismissing any of George's advice over the years or even now......it's been more of a case of ........when I get the grasp of the clutch, pedals ,steering wheels and gearbox then I'll have a look at the radio console type thing........ until then...leave me be a bit and I'll catch up when I'm ready....... :lol:
jarvo said:
..when I get the grasp of the clutch, pedals ,steering wheels and gearbox then Ill have a look at the radio console type thing........ until then...leave me be a bit and Ill catch up when Im ready....... :lol:
I can relate to that, bellows is my problem :lol:
Gentlemen ( and ladies of course!) you now have about 10 days of peace and quiet in which to earnestly debate the merits of long or short Ums and long or short Pa's and which should be before t'other etc.

I guarantee you will not be interrupted in these deliberations by missives from myself as I will be doing my stuff as usual at Whitby Folk Week and then going down south for a few days on family business.

george {} :D {} :ch {} :ch :b
george garside said:
Gentlemen ( and ladies of course!) you now have about 10 days of peace and quiet in which to earnestly debate the merits of long or short Ums and long or short Pa's and which should be before t'other etc.

I guarantee you will not be interrupted in these deliberations by missives from myself as I will be doing my stuff as usual at Whitby Folk Week and then going down south for a few days on family business.

george {} :D {} :ch {} :ch :b

Enjoy :b :ch :b {}
have just found an interesting you tube clip of the Newcastle ceilidh band playing a 'folk rock' version of the dashing white sergeant. Not quite my style, but loads of bounce, electric guitars an all! It certainly had my foot tapping so should be good to dance to. just try 'you tube Newcastle ceilidh band'

george {} :b
Or click here:

(Too much heavy drumming for my taste. I like my folk music drum-free, unless its a bit of discreet bodhranning)
Anyanka said:
Or click here:

(Too much heavy drumming for my taste. I like my folk music drum-free, unless its a bit of discreet bodhranning)

Not to bad missing a good Bass though
This has a bit of bounce in it Phil and his brother the late Johnny Cunningham
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