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Prolific poster
May 1, 2013
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A bit of a distraction whilst attempting to grasp the Tristesse ToTM........an improvisation from memory of the tune...its nearly like it tho

Way to go Jarvo, I did get signed up with soundcloud, now if I can figger out how to post some music. :roll:
Have you got some MP3s /4S recorded....?
jarvo said:
Have you got some MP3s /4S recorded....?
Hi Jarvo, no I dont have anything recorded, can you suggest the equipment needed to get started ?
Well you got a PC......

A simple microphone, USB or jack , software



Two absolutely free and easy to use DAW (Digital Audio Workstations is the new buzz.....I am just trying out Jokosher ....very simple so far)

If you want to get more advanced Cubase, Garage Band ,Cakewalk are all good ....but pricey to start with.....

Your local electronics /PC store should be able to help with the mics......



then add a standard mic of your choice............

a lap top should have a pinhole mic built in and related software........

When finished recording look for an export command in the File section and export to a folder the finished song/tune as a
a .WAV or MP3 or MP4.......

Then just follow the instructions on soundcloud :tup:
Ha for a guy who talks so humble, You sound pretty darn good :tup:
Jarv said......a lap top should have a pinhole mic built in and related software........

And often a built in camera fo' YouTubing...should you so wish.. ;)
The lad shows promise ! you are getting more confident as time goes on.RH is good , ahead of the left, more time at it will fix that.
Hey thanks Jarvo, I'll get my son to go with me to pick up some needed items per your suggestions, I've listened to some of the tunes on soundcloud posted by some of the board members, good stuff !
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