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Info on Zero Sette

Thank you guys. I'm doggone tired and laying in bed, AT HOME. Which is great. Tomorrow however, I have to go to another hospital and see an electrophysiologist that had cancelled my ablation. The hospital I just left (and the previous one) put me on a heart med and my electrophysiologist refuses to do a pre-authorization for my insurance to cover it, so I can't take it ($940 a month). So tomorrow is a showdown. Wish me luck.

Then it's trying to setup an appointment with a neuro-opthamologist. My brain isn't sending proper signals and I am constantly dizzy and falling. It's not inner ear/vertigo.

I'll keep you imformed.

Thanks so much once again.
Good luck Tony!
Then it's trying to setup an appointment with a neuro-opthamologist. My brain isn't sending proper signals and I am constantly dizzy and falling. It's not inner ear/vertigo.
Medulla oblongata? That's where I had my stroke, and balance was way off. Could concern the input of muscle tension rather than inner ear: if the summary information from muscle tension is "hey, there is no weight on that one leg any more", reflexes may set in and do the wrong thing.

A visitor brought me some kind of puzzle magazine and after the visit I went up from the visiting room on the stair, not using the rail and looking at the magazine in my hand. Another patient was quite worried when I tumbled down before him. It takes a bit of time until you don't do stupid things like that, forgetting that things aren't as you have come to expect them.

I've regained most of anything. But it is apparent that my balance these days relies more on vision than it used to: visiting the bathroom in the dark is more likely to expose balance problems, particularly if I bump into something and reflexes try to take over and do not the greatest job.

Accordion and violin still (or again) work.

Take care, get better. At whatever you can.
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