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Interview with Alicia Straka


Been here for ages!
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May 1, 2013
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Came across this yesterday, Accordion Life interview with Alicia Straka. Interesting, imho….. Your opinions will differ….

Thats the former Roland star, Alicia Baker, she married a few years ago. It was a HUGE hint that Roland was done with the V-accordion the day that they released her. She was their most liked representative... Cory was pretty much the first (because he talked trash about Roland openly), and Alicia was the last.
Frank Morocco was Rolands first FR artist, they lasted one season
(not a good fit, but he was the obvious choice for marketing reasons)
and they also began an association with Chris Ryback, who is still
one of their artists, and quite good,
then they tripped over me and i got them into the Coupe Mondiale
with Faithe Deffners help, adding Mr. Chuholdi and Mr. Falcetti who were already
dealers and managed to attend and assist with display and marketing

Cory was in attendance and probably competing in some category when we
first strapped an FR3 onto him.. he was a natural with it so i took a break !
basically i had set up just inside the doorway of the products room, and
"front pumped" the FR3 and FR7 constantly, the same as i used to do Organs in
Mall Music stores. After that i took Roland around for shows and
feature presentations, most notably with Rose and getting her sold
on Rolands and involved.. her "conversion" came because of my
"Con Te Partiro" on the FR7

one year later Cory was the Roland go-to demo guy for the AAA convention
and beyond

After that i still did a few Roland events, introduced the 7x and 3x, but that was
privately for Dealers by then, not for Roland per se
Well, I never met you, Ventura, so I don’t know what you look like, but I’ve seen Cory, and, since 92.375% of accordionists are lonely old men, it’s clear why they picked Alicia. Just saying….
She was one of the featured performers in Leavenworth this past June. I thoroughly enjoyed her show. Was particularly impressed by her singing an opera aria while accompanying herself - something I've never seen a soprano do at a piano.
I think Steve Albini was in there at some point repping the Roland digital accordions. Fascinating fellow. Polymath. I believe he won a World Series of Poker among being one of the finest accordionists I have heard. Plays guitar at an extremely high level too I think. It's been awhile.
yes, i heard he was with them, but not as an artist per se
i believe he ran the department for a couple years