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Interview with the Founder of Beltuna

well i can see something like BelCanto for a musical instrument,
which was the Italian Trumpet line Doc Severinson sponsored,
but "Tuna" in Italian still means means "Tuna" in English,
(checked in a translator app)
and fresh or canned it still is one stinky fishy mess to keep in an accordion case
well i can see something like BelCanto for a musical instrument,
which was the Italian Trumpet line Doc Severinson sponsored,
but "Tuna" in Italian still means means "Tuna" in English,
(checked in a translator app)
and fresh or canned it still is one stinky fishy mess to keep in an accordion case
Given how much meaning you ascribe to the name/logo, you must own a whole lot of Weltmeister ("world champion") accordions.
Yeah, but this was us as kids going down to the tuna derby in Galilea. It was so fine, real tuna. If you or your friend owned one of these boats, you would be proud to play your ‘Tuna. Just saying!

so that's what un-canned tuna looks like !


the one on the left has racing stripes ! cool !
You should try a real, right off the boat steak! It’s heaven. My wife also makes a “just about sushi” number with some kind of spices that is killer. I never touch the can!

PS, I think the tuna on the left says “717” which is its weight in pounds (325 kg). Today’s clear winner!
I always thought that was a strange name to put on the front of a very expensive instrument. All I see is "TUNA" too. haha.. Probably would not stop me from buying a beautiful example though....