Hello. I've recently acquired an old third-hand 12-bass piano accordion and it's in need of a bit of TLC I think. I am new to accordions and this is my first accordion. I am hoping to fix it up a bit so I can learn to play it. It seems to be largely in working order with the exception of this one bass button which has fallen and become stuck in that position. I opened the panel up to see what might be going on inside and the problem is immediately obvious --

That wooden block that is attached to the problem button via that rod looking thing is all cattywampus! It ain't even covering the hole proper. Best I can tell, the wax fixing that wooden block to that flat metal bar it's mounted on has failed and that wooden block is slipping off that flat metal bar. I'd assume that what I need to do remove the old wax and fix that block back into place with fresh wax. Does that seem correct? Is there anything else I'm not noticing that I ought to be aware of?
Also -- I'm still learning the names of all of the parts, especially internally. I haven't yet found a good diagram labeling all these parts, so forgive the descriptions of my own invention, I do hope I'm still being clear enough. Someone on the subreddit said those wooden blocks are called pallets. Is that right? And are there proper names for "that flat metal bar" and "that rod looking thing"?

That wooden block that is attached to the problem button via that rod looking thing is all cattywampus! It ain't even covering the hole proper. Best I can tell, the wax fixing that wooden block to that flat metal bar it's mounted on has failed and that wooden block is slipping off that flat metal bar. I'd assume that what I need to do remove the old wax and fix that block back into place with fresh wax. Does that seem correct? Is there anything else I'm not noticing that I ought to be aware of?
Also -- I'm still learning the names of all of the parts, especially internally. I haven't yet found a good diagram labeling all these parts, so forgive the descriptions of my own invention, I do hope I'm still being clear enough. Someone on the subreddit said those wooden blocks are called pallets. Is that right? And are there proper names for "that flat metal bar" and "that rod looking thing"?