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ISO advice on buying reed valves

Jun 10, 2024
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Hello all,

I have a few base notes on my accordion (Ukrainian bayan, 120) that lack reed valves.

I am looking to buy some via eBay or Amazon. It doesn’t seem difficult to find these for sale.

My bayan currently has leather reed valves. I am looking for advice on which ones I should buy.

Has anyone had a good experience with a seller on eBay and if so, who might that be?

Plastic or leather? Why?

What is the most simple way to install these? What glue options exist? I already have my reed blocks out of the accordion for travel.

Some are missing, and I will obviously replace those. Is there a way to determine if others need replaced? The accordion is 30-40 years old.


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For base notes you should always buy leather valves and also "contrapelli" (metal strips/springs and leather disks). You also need shoe glue to glue the valves on. Plastic valves are suitable for higher notes only.
Why I don't use adhesive like shoe glue, is that the adhesive shrinks when it cures, and can slightly deform the leather. I evaporate shellac in a double boiler, and have tried using a small amount of powdered marble as a filler, because I don't know what the traditional makers used to for a filler.
Shoe glue = contact adhesive. It melts the little plastic valves.
I diasgree.
Special Hohner stuff is most certainly not solvent-free. After doing a large CBA in one go you'll see pink unicorns flying in the sky outside of your house.

I use shoe glue and it's yet to melt or damage any valves. Just do a test and see if your glue works or not.

"Boterm GTA". It looks, smells and glues exactly like Hohner-branded special valve glue at £20 for a small tube.
PS It also glues shoes quite well;).