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It's here! Roland FR-8X... MILD TO WILD!

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Been here for ages!
Site Supporter
Feb 16, 2016
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I finally completed the first video in the series about the Roland FR-8X V-Accordion.  The goal is to create a free series of home made videos to help new or less experienced FR-8X owners/users get the most they can from their accordion.

This first one is quite basic, but that is a good thing... that those that follow the series will all grow in knowledge together and at the same rate, more or less.

This will be the home page for all the videos:

Or if you want to see just the first video on YouTube:

Video #2 is out!


:tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup:
As an owner of several synths, arrangers and my second VAccordion, the challenge has always been to set these up to our personal liking. But you need “how to operate” training first. Good start! I like it! :b
Thanks Jerry. A great start to the series. Nicely presented at a good pace for newcomers.

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Hello Jerry,

In a former life, I was a teacher who also wrote tutorial and "how-to" articles for early computer user groups without the advantages of Youtube, so I recognize quality when I see it. Bravo!

I wish you all the time and patience you will need to continue the series. Although I don't own an 8x and probably won't in the near future, I can see how you are making a frighteningly complex instrument easy to understand and use -- something no printed manual, however good (and they are getting worse as time goes on) can convey.

Like any musical instrument we need training and learning to create our own unique style. A good start video, great eye contact too.
Hello Jerry , You have done an excellent job , I don't have a roland FR-8x but I could certainly understand the basic operating procedure from your very well thought out professional video ........it is so interesting, thank you for all your hard work
A truly outstanding video! I wish someone would be able to do the same for the 4x. Is “Adieu” your own composition? It is also very nice!
Thank you!
Walleye post_id=56039 time=1520955582 user_id=1999 said:
A truly outstanding video! I wish someone would be able to do the same for the 4x. Is “Adieu” your own composition? It is also very nice!
Thank you!

Thank-you... honestly, I was thinking... man, if it sees 100 views, I am happy, because I dont think there are 100 people world wide interested in this kind of video. As of this morning, it is over 400, so I am impressed for what it is.

Adieu-Adieu is an old tango that I remember from my very young days, it is very simple to remember. I used to play it when I was like 6-7 years old. :)

Ive started video #2, and the hardest thing is to present the topics in some kind of a logical order, better than is presented in the manual or anywhere else. I try to satisfy the techies and the players, and I try to do that in each video, to keep it interesting.

Its definitely a very fun project, but there is so much to show! :)
Soon you quit your day job and be a full time YouTuber... :b
Finally a FR video I can relate to...keep up the good work...
Walleye post_id=62710 time=1536635303 user_id=1999 said:
Hi Jerry,
How is video #2 coming?

I am behind on this video, that is a fact. I am finding that because of my job where I get up at 4:00am and get home at 7:00pm does not leave me with enough time to spend with family, much less practice or make videos. Even my weekends are filled catching up.

Ill see what the following month life gives me in terms of available time to try to push this project a little.
Keymn post_id=62711 time=1536636193 user_id=2502 said:
Soon you quit your day job and be a full time YouTuber... :b
Someone tell me how, I certainly would not mind that change!

Keymn post_id=62711 time=1536636193 user_id=2502 said:
Finally a FR video I can relate to...keep up the good work...
I am trying to find the time, but it is very difficult. :)
JerryPH post_id=62718 time=1536653743 user_id=1475 said:
Walleye post_id=62710 time=1536635303 user_id=1999 said:
Hi Jerry,
How is video #2 coming?

I am behind on this video, that is a fact. I am finding that because of my job where I get up at 4:00am and get home at 7:00pm does not leave me with enough time to spend with family, much less practice or make videos. Even my weekends are filled catching up.

Ill see what the following month life gives me in terms of available time to try to push this project a little.
One day you are going to say, “why do I work that much!”. Music is your passion in my opinion. As far as videos, it is far better to learn your instrument then have someone program it for you. There needs to be more “how to” tutorials out there. But some take the easy way out.
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