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Last practice before short hiatus


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2018
Reaction score
California, US
Getting three of my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. My My wife had a similar procedure last year. She says I can't do regular activities for about three days and that I should expect to be tired for a few more days.

I wanted to make some progress with Mozart's symphony 40 before that. This is where it is after today's practice.

Today's practice is on the digital accordion. Mozart's symphony #40 is coming along nicely. I'm creating some orchestral programs on the Bugari Evo but the sounds are still a work in progress.

I actually felt quite good just a day after my wisdom teeth came out. Cheeks still visibly swollen one day after but not two.

I felt a whole lot less good from about days 4 to 10 after the scabs came out and they hurt like !@#$%. Clove oil is a miracle drug for numbing the pain with one drop on the end of a q-tip if that happens.
I actually felt quite good just a day after my wisdom teeth came out. Cheeks still visibly swollen one day after but not two.

I felt a whole lot less good from about days 4 to 10 after the scabs came out and they hurt like !@#$%. Clove oil is a miracle drug for numbing the pain with one drop on the end of a q-tip if that happens.
Thanks for the tips! I had to test for a week when I caught covid last week. Not too amused about bed rest again. I should be thankful that I'm not dealing with something worse than this.
Getting three of my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow
My wife had just one molar out last Thursday. Friday was quite trying!πŸ˜„
All good and improving daily, but still a bit sore.πŸ™‚Don't disturb the scabs!🀫
I felt a whole lot less good from about days 4 to 10 after the scabs came out and they hurt like !@#$%.
The scabs shouldn't be disturbed. If they somehow come out too soon, you may be left with a "dry socket", which is quite painful by all accounts!😐
" Clove oil is a miracle drug for numbing the pain with one drop on the end of a q-tip if that happens."
Thanks for the reminder regarding clove oil!πŸ™‚
See here:
Good luck with your extractions tomorrow!πŸ™‚πŸ‘
Are you having a dentist or an oral surgeon?
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Best of luck to you Breezy!
I'm only going to the dentist tomorrow for a crown replacement and a filling and I'm dreading that. I'm a "dental wimp" though.

Be strong Breezy!
Good luck with your extractions tomorrow!πŸ™‚πŸ‘
Are you having a dentist or an oral surgeon?
With an oral surgeon. Today is day 4. Not having a lot of pain but I'm getting depressed. The stitches are still in. Can't wait to get back to normal.
I had two removed when I was 18. I played a basketball game the next day.

I had two removed at 40 because they were crowding teeth. I ran the next day.

Three is rough because it's both upper and lower affected.

I think you'll rest a day and start playing the next. Best of luck to you!

Edit: LOL! Posted without reading the trail. I sure was wrong!!!!
I had two removed when I was 18. I played a basketball game the next day.
I had two removed at 40 because they were crowding teeth. I ran the next day.
Three is rough because it's both upper and lower affected.
Absolutely nothing wrong with waiting. I had 4 done at once (each corner) at... I cannot recall if it was 38 or 40, the only restriction was that I was not allowed to do any sports for 1 month due to the jaw being weakened. I was not playing at that time, but I did go for long walks with the then wife the very next day. I only had to wear a $1 mouth guard to keep the jaw aligned, swollen face and all, I definitely had the "chipmunk cheek" effect showing in full force... lol.
Absolutely nothing wrong with waiting. I had 4 done at once (each corner) at... I cannot recall if it was 38 or 40, the only restriction was that I was not allowed to do any sports for 1 month due to the jaw being weakened. I was not playing at that time, but I did go for long walks with the then wife the very next day. I only had to wear a $1 mouth guard to keep the jaw aligned, swollen face and all, I definitely had the "chipmunk cheek" effect showing in full force... lol.
Four is brutal - especially as an adult!

I was fortunate enough each time to have only the upper or lower jaw affected at one time. That made a world of difference!
Four is brutal - especially as an adult!
Wasn't horrible for me (though 3 were impacted and had to come out in chunks), especially after the swelling came down some, I didn't even lose time from work, a couple days and I was good to go. Now, not everyone is the same, I recall seeing kids/friends in school do 1 or more and some suffered a good amount and they were out for over a week and still looked like they were hurting after they did return.

I think that for that I am a bit lucky, only other time I was hospitalized was for my cancer operation. Dr told me it would be a week in the hospital and 2 months off of work, possibly more. The day AFTER the surgery I was at home and 29 days later, I was back at work, but I will admit that I really did push myself in that instance. :)
Wasn't horrible for me (though 3 were impacted and had to come out in chunks), especially after the swelling came down some, I didn't even lose time from work, a couple days and I was good to go. Now, not everyone is the same, I recall seeing kids/friends in school do 1 or more and some suffered a good amount and they were out for over a week and still looked like they were hurting after they did return.

I think that for that I am a bit lucky, only other time I was hospitalized was for my cancer operation. Dr told me it would be a week in the hospital and 2 months off of work, possibly more. The day AFTER the surgery I was at home and 29 days later, I was back at work, but I will admit that I really did push myself in that instance. :)
We have a friend that was diagnosed with Gioblastoma. 25% odds of making it 18 months. 5% odds of making it 5 years.

She had three small children and said there was no way she could leave them. That was twelve years ago.

I asked her how much of it was mental and she said 100%. She said every time she would get a new Doctor they would sit her down and tell her to get her affairs in order. She told them to move along past that subject and describe the next medical steps.

The power of the human mind is remarkable.
The power of the human mind is remarkable.
So true! I don't know if we can convince the mind that we don't have cancer every time but I firmly believe that many can damn well either place it in remission or push it away far ahead and beat whatever the doctors state. :)
So true! I don't know if we can convince the mind that we don't have cancer every time but I firmly believe that many can damn well either place it in remission or push it away far ahead and beat whatever the doctors state. :)

It's a complex subject because the alternative is saying "Oh, so my brother didn't want to live I guess?". Obviously that's not the case. Everybody deals with pain differently and the host of medical procedures and problems our friend has endured are unending. Not everybody is willing to accept living with that. I have no idea if I could.

I always recall Lance Armstrong stating that when he was on chemo and throwing up he envisioned all of the cancer cells being eliminated from his body. He saw throwing up as a purge of all the cancer and set it in his mind that that was what was happening. His name is a dangerous one to reference when discussing cancer but it's his mindset I'm talking about.

My wife and I are completely different people. If they told her she could be down from "3 to 7 days" from having her wisdom teeth removed, she'd be down 7 days. If they told me the same thing I'd fight to be up the next day - even if it wasn't in my best interest. And believe me, I've been burned with that attitude several times in my life, mostly by pushing running injuries that I really should have just rested!