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Leeds International Organ Festival features accordion podcast

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Well-known member
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Nov 2, 2018
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Yorkshire UK
I enjoyed listening to Scottish accordionist Valerie Barr being interviewed!

A most interesting pod cast.
A little diffucult for me to listen to because of the broad dynamics which swung from almost inaudible to blasting the speakers out of their boxes.
The highest fidelity I get too is my phone speaker and it sounded fine through that !
I just tuned in - a relaxed, affable conversation. Valerie Barr is great and played one of my all time favourite tunes - Kalina Krasnaya, aka Guelder Rose, by V. Semionov. By the way that accordion sounds really impressive.
Ha...I got as far as that sweet groove that started the show and was rather disappointed when the accordion came in and trashed it.....
However I do look forward to listening to the rest when I have time to really LISTEN....
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