could anyone share any good video or web article explain the best posture opening and closing bellow?
for opening I think it is quit natural and usually play in top posture in below pitcure
but for closing, I am in doubt which of below muscle should be use from left arm. I did both below with relax shoulder, but I felt the bottom is less power-consumption but the issue is it take more consciousness to shift left arm from top posture to bottom for closing bellow.
Thanks for any advise and sorry for my poor drawing.

for opening I think it is quit natural and usually play in top posture in below pitcure
but for closing, I am in doubt which of below muscle should be use from left arm. I did both below with relax shoulder, but I felt the bottom is less power-consumption but the issue is it take more consciousness to shift left arm from top posture to bottom for closing bellow.
Thanks for any advise and sorry for my poor drawing.