Given the L Giulietti on the grille and the fact that he was the Giulietti in charge through the forties until his death in 1950 when Julio took over that seems likely. The instrument in question was probably from the twenties. Interestingly "I read on the internet" that L Giulietti was involved in the founding of Italo American*- as were a host of other "to become big name" accordion makers.I think that early giulietti is Julio’s dad Luigi?
A catalog from 1934 is here : .
The NY special grill style apparently ran over quite a few model lines and was clearly not exclusive to those models. The style appears on many instruments of the era and it seemingly became as generic as "Kleenex" in regards to the grilles of several models by different makers.
As an aside- the things were not priced at "$2800" or anywhere close. The payment book pictured in the previous posts might well refer to something other than the accordion- although time payment plans have always incorporated huge markups in return for the convenience.
* "Giulietti accordions was founded in New York in 1923 by Luigi (Louis) Giuletti.
He had learned his trade with Soprani in Italy, emigrated to the USA in 1914 and co-founded Italo-American; in 1919 he traveled to New York, worked for Galizi for a while.
When Luigi died in 1950, his son Julio Giulietti (°1910) took over."
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