I'm not familiar with this particular brand, but accordions, like cars, go through stylistic periods.
So, looking at this accordion, one can tell it's in good cosmetic condition, it's probably from the late 1940s or early 1950s, probably made in Italy by any one of the hundreds of makers active in the day, probably has two voices ( set of reeds) in both the left and the right hands,
Is a fairly robustly made "entry level " instrument which, by now , probably needs some servicing attention with wax, valves and tuning.
Many have keyboards around 17" across the white keys edge to edge.
You occasionally see similar instruments in pawn shops or on eBay/gumtree for an asking price of $200 to $400.

The nice carrying case is a bonus and possibly worth $100 by itself!

For a first accordion, or folk music evenings, they can be totally adequate and hard wearing!

Nice item