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New and happy to be here


Aug 27, 2023
Reaction score
Wurundjeri Country (Naarm/Melbourne)
Hi everyone! I have been exploring this forum for a couple of weeks now and wanted to both say thank you for the incredible depth of knowledge people so happily and kindly share, and also say hello and briefly introduce myself.
I started out as a classically-trained pianist and clarinettist, choir singer, and occasional self-taught guitarist/flautist/percussionist but found my first piano accordion at a flea market when touring with a band through China 15 years ago. Despite the instrument's many shortcomings (it was a pretty busted up old Parrot that miraculously still played all notes), I really felt like I'd met my "soul" instrument and fell in love.

I now have a Sonolo R460, expertly restored by Peter Anderson aka Capt. Accordion here in Naarm (the Wurundjeri-Woi Wurrung people's original name for Melbourne, Australia), and recently got a Roland Fr-1x to explore digital accordion, learn some free bass techniques, and enjoy playing at less social hours in my small unit. It's also been a good choice for me with managing some chronic illness that effects my energy levels because some days the full 120 bass is a bit more than I can handle. I'm hoping to one day get a CBA as well.

I have some pretty eclectic tastes and enjoy things like Bach, Pauline Oliveros (and other experimental and new music styles), and doom metal and grunge music. I'm really interested to connect with people who are doing non-traditional stuff with accordion because I think there's almost nothing it can't do as an instrument and one of my passions as a songwriter/composer is exploring new possibilities in the instrument. Please share recommendations for any accordionists you think I should know about, I am new in this journey!

I'm also keen to learn more about technique as it's something I neglected in the earlier days of playing and am now trying to work on more. (I have some questions I'll post about separately soon).

Thanks for having me here!
Hello and welcome, that's great that you're getting so much out of the accordion.
You've joined the club!
Cheers, Tom
Welcome! I’m new to the forum too. Given you’re in Naarm, I hope you can attend the Festival of Accordion on 30 September. If you need more info, let me know. Cheers
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Welcome, and it's great to hear your accordion story, as everyone has a different reason that they got into the accordion.
The Accordion Society just had their first informal social meetup in Northcote last weekend and it was a really supportive and fun event for players, non players and students alike. Hope to see you at the next one, and hope to see you at the upcoming Accordion Festival!
P.S Peter Anderson is a legend.