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New member (London, UK); double cassotto upgrade thoughts appreciated


Dec 29, 2024
Reaction score
London UK

I’m Adrian, I'm a newbie and live in London. I’d appreciate any member advice. I bought a Settimio Soprani 120-base Concerto 4 from Allodi Accordions, the Mountgrove Rd shop in North London (which later moved to Lewisham) in the early 1990s, for £400.

The SS has been a good friend. I’d like to upgrade to a double cassotto instrument. I prefer the darker, warmer tones (‘oboe’?), not cold or hard-edged; I’m open to switching to a 96-base.

My budget could stretch to £5k, perhaps a little more. I would love a wooden Poeta/Piuma but the budget won’t get there. The SS weighs 10kg; it would be good not to over-step this too much.

In short, a double cassotto, not too bling with the bodywork, would be great. Any suggestions/pointers to consider would be helpful. Guerrini? Petosa? I’m slowly finding my way around LMMMH, LMMH, etc and other tuning definitions.

Many thanks

Adrian, London, UK



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Get in there quick and give Emilio Allodi a ring and see if he has anything fitting the bill.... he's closed officially but has a lot of stock to clear so may well be able to help....
Losthobos...I don't know why I didn't think about this. Thank you for this prompt. I will get in touch with Emilio.

Well, I got in touch with Emilio. Unfortunately he has no stock left that fits, but thank you for the idea Losthobos. Back to Square One. Needed...a double cassotto, reliably cared for, not too ornate, a warm, rich sound... Any suggestions or recommendations of makes/models would be helpful. Thanks very much. Adrian, UK-based (London) 🪗
Welcome Adrian, and good luck with your search.
Warm cassotto sound: excelsior 900 series (except the midi one). About as warm and smooth as they get.
Should have clarified: vintage Cemex-era Excelsiors. No idea about Pigini or pre-cemex ones.
But then you want a lightweight one...
Art Van Damme model?
Yes, trying to keep the weight down. I don't want to struggle too much. I imagine the Cemex-era Excelsiors are on the weighty side? I don't know much about this area, only that I want a more jazzy, warmer sound. Thanks.
Van Damme is LLM I think, so will probably be lighter than anything with 4 or 5 voices.
. I imagine the Cemex-era Excelsiors are on the weighty side?

companies that have to buy bodies and mechanisms to finish
normally are heavier overall

companies that make more % of their own product can optimize
materials, specialized engineering, resulting in a lighter stronger
product on average
I THINK... As a newbie, you dont need more than you have there. Buy later when you are familiar with the sounds and the instrument itself.
Thanks Ventura. Noted.

Murathan, I'm a newbie on the forum though I have been playing my Settimio Soprani for 30 years. Sorry I wasn't clear. It's time to upgrade to something better.