@Ventura .... Ferrofish B4000+ take your fancy .....
seems complete.. modern tech is quite mature at this point for
modeling and the standard set by the competition is pretty high so
any module like this is probably pretty good
interesting to note at the end they give a copyright nod to
which i wondered if they had managed to hold on to it all these years
meanwhile, on a budget and for project people, the resurrected
has some interesting producta, including an Auduino based drawbar kit
back in the day i would have jumped at the chance to roll my own with this,
but my eyes and fingers are not gonna do any major electronics work ANYmore
it doesn't look like the Viscount module is available in the USA, though
they still may have it available in Italy
(Viscount is part of the Galanti family, who did make accordions way back when,
and they still own their original factory though they have grown way past that
hole in the wall)
the Hammond module is still in the line, but currently unavailable
Roland has discontinued their module
NORD used to have one too