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Off to College!

This past weekend I participated in Iowa Duncanfest. It is a three day event of music, dancing, and food. It was a lot of fun. I met a lot of new people that are both happy I'm learning and willing to help. One couple from Montana gave be a book with czech lyrics for some polkas and waltzes so I'll have to try learning those. The first day they had a jam session which was a lot of fun. A video of it was posted on youtube. The song is Blue Skirt Waltz, I did get lost during the song but everyone helped cover where i messed up. Eventually i got back on track😂

Wow that’s awesome, congrats!!!!! You really brought down the average age in that group! I haven’t played this one at the farmers market lately but I will probably drag it out.

You’re having great fun, good luck and keep us posted!!!!!