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Playing in public, 1st time in over 20 years!

  • Thread starter Thread starter BrandyD
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I'm playing my accordion in public for the first time in over 20 years on Sunday! Wish me luck and fun!!!! Nervous and excited at the same time.

Outdoor venue - any hints on how to stay cool in 82 degrees outdoors?

Good luck Brandy... make sure you are well hydrated... beer is good.. or maybe not :ch
Are you solo? Let us know how it went. Lotsaluck :tup:
I'm not a beer drinker - so that's just not going to work. Maybe some vodka!!!!

Yes, I'll be playing solo. I'll practice a lot on Saturday to make sure everything is perfect. Although hubby is good at saying "that's not good enough" - I already know when it's not, but appreciate that he is paying attention!


A lot of water or a sports drink.
Play in the shade, out of direct sunlight on you or the accordion. I take a pop up canopy with me and play under that.

Last would be to not over practice the day before. Someone told me once to take the day before off from practice, but I cannot bring myself to do that. So i just limit my practice.

Good luck!
I think the advice not to over practice the day before is a good one. A light run through is best making sure you know your play order etc. On the day just enjoy yourself. You will be your own worse critic. The public will just be impressed.
I would avoid alchohol and/or copious quantities of water. The former makes you think you are playing better than you are and the latter takes your mind off the job as you are busting for a pee halfway through the proceedings!

If its really hot and sunny try to get in a bit of shade or even get someone to stand behind you as official sun umbrella holder!

As to keeping mentally 'cool' focus on something in the distance rather than looking directly at your 'audience'

BrandyD said:
Im playing my accordion in public for the first time in over 20 years on Sunday! Wish me luck and fun!!!! Nervous and excited at the same time.

good luck and fun

staying cool in all respects will be a fun challenge

how big a crowd do you expect and how long will you be playing and whats on the play list :?: :)

i played outdoors once (more as support to a semi pro) BUT the clime here meant the temperature was no where near that but the best i could do was wear a hat and maybe stand under a tree or shade if could be found - a gazebo would have been inpractical as we were regularly moving around a city centre area ! and dont think anyone would have followed me about with an umbrella either :)

in that heat i would also be worried about my accordion getting too hot :ugeek:
Thank you all for the great suggestions!

Going with the sports drinks. We do have a tent type canopy that we use when we run Karaoke shows, but I'm only planning on playing for an hour so don't really want to set it up - may change my mind on that. Luckily there are lots of tall trees so I can get into the shade. We also sing in public a lot, so I'll stick with my singing in public attitude and try that while playing the accordion.

practice - I just plan to run through the playlist, make sure songs are in the correct order and make sure all the songs are perfect - if not perfect today they will be scratched off the list.

There will be about 100 people there from infants to elderly, mostly of Italian descent. Should be a fun time.

Playlist to choose from, not in any particular order, these are just some of my favorites: Beer Barrel Polka, The Chicken Dance, Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue, Iko Iko, El Paso, It's a Small World, La Vie En Rose, Wooden Heart, That's Amore, Ma Come Balli Bene Bella Bimba, C'e La Luna Nezzo Mare, O Sole Mia, Mamma, El Cumbanchero, O Sole Mia, Cielito Lindo, Too Fat Polka, Apples Peaches Pumpkin Pie Polka, Norwegian Wood, Que Sera Sera, It's Now or Never, Tijuana Taxi, Those Were the Days, Never on Sunday, Georgy Girl, Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head, Spinning Wheel, Spanish Eyes, Tequilla, Sunrise Sunset, Love Story, Speak Softy Love, Happy Wanderer, La Cucaracha, Flintstones, Over the Waves.

I have a lot more to choose from, in case of requests, but this gives me a good well rounded list to choose from for everyone's enjoyment.

Thank you all for the suggestions. All of them are good!

WOW! It was amazing!!!!! And I've been invited to play again on July 4th. Better get some patriotic and Country songs ready.

I knew most of the people there, about 75 people. No one knew I play the accordion, my hubby of 10 years didn't know until December of 2014!!! For a joke, hubby had me start off with a bad, like a brand new player, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Could see eyes rolling and people hollering to turn the canned music back on. I only played 2 familiar lines and immediately switched to "Beer Barrel Polka". It was great! You only gets one opportunity to freak people out like this! It was great, and helped my nerves a bit.

For some reason, looked down at my right hand on the second song, "That's Amore", and my hand was shaking so bad I don't even know how I played the song. After that, told myself I was practicing in my living room and the nerves went away immediately. It also helped seeing that people were actually enjoying it and singing along.

Even the younger generation, elementary aged kids, loved it. They were totally intrigued by the accordion. After playing for about 15 minutes, a 7 year old came up and asked me if I knew anything "American" - it was funny. I asked what she wanted to hear, she requested "America the Beautiful" as it was her favorite song, I had the music and played it for her.

I thoroughly enjoyed using the multiple sounds on the FR-8X! It was great watching people turn around when I threw in a trumpet or a violin!

I played for just over an hour. My shirt was drenched in sweat once I was done, the temperature was in the high 80's, and I found a shady place to sit. Can the padding on the back of the accordion be washed, or just replaced eventually?

Also learned, just ignore the bugs that land on your left arm as there is nothing you can do about it while playing!!!!! Luckily, I was just finishing up when the children decided to get a little bit more curious, but they were covered in watermelon juice and cake/icing - told hubby to grab my laptop and I headed to the garage to pack everything up. Couldn't imagine sticky little fingers touching my precious instrument!!!

I loved it! It was great!!! Back to playing in public again!!!! Now to start booking more gigs!!!

Good for you! Glad to hear it went well.
I think your playlist would go down fine at a similar event over here in England.
Congratulations Brandy. I've had the shakes too in the past. Imagining it's just a regular practice and that the audience are not very attentive really helps. You're right, if sticky fingered kids get too curious it's time to call it a day. By the way, did you use additional amplification?
I have piece of cotton cloth and use it after every song because sometimes my fingers sweat, Johnsons Pledge wood care spray is also very handy, it removes fingerprints and keeps buttons and instrument clean and comfortable. It helps also when sticky fingered kids touch your instrument. It is good to hear that gig was fun and enjoyable.
TomBR - glad to hear my playlist would work there also! For July 4th, our Independence Day here in the USA, I'll be playing a lot of Patriotic songs along with many Country Music songs. Country music crowd then.

Glenn - I did not use additional amplification. I wish I had of though. Next time in an outdoor venue I will amplify.

Nuuksu - I have a wipe down cloth also. I need to use it more often!!!!!

I'm also thinking about getting a thin pair of cotton gloves and cutting the fingers out or marching band gloves. I notice that my left hand need better sliding ability when my hand is sweating. My palm sticks every once in a while.

BrandyD said:
Im also thinking about getting a thin pair of cotton gloves and cutting the fingers out or marching band gloves. I notice that my left hand need better sliding ability when my hand is sweating. My palm sticks every once in a while.
Yep - I wish theyd do away with the nice looking shiney bass boards on these instruments. You may not be happy with the glove thing, it is a bit too slidey and seems to interfere with the sensitivity in your left hand. What I found best is to get some adhesive gauze and stick 2/3 strips (depending on what width gauze you find) down where your hand touches the board. Your hand still feels the same, but doesnt stick. and lasts better than youd think.

Conratulations well done. Brill, it went well, the endorphins feel great after!
Soulsaver said:
Yep - I wish theyd do away with the nice looking shiney bass boards on these instruments. You may not be happy with the glove thing, it is a bit too slidey and seems to interfere with the sensitivity in your left hand. What I found best is to get some adhesive gauze and stick 2/3 strips (depending on what width gauze you find) down where your hand touches the board. Your hand still feels the same, but doesnt stick. and lasts better than youd think.

Conratulations well done. Brill, it went well, the endorphins feel great after!

Thank you. Ill have to think about the strips of gauze. I tried a bandaid on my hand for a while, but that didnt work well at all, lasted a few seconds!!!!

The endorphins were great!!! What a rush!!!!! Loved it!!!!

Thank you,

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