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Prejudice on Britain's got Talent episode

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Been here for ages!
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
South Australia
Seen on an episode of Britain's got Talent, a replay on Australian TV, today.
A CBA accordion (a Roland Fx??) playing contestant of Russian extraction was given the bum's rush, before he even got started, very obviously because he was playing an accordion (many derogatory comments* being made by the leading host (Simon Cowell), in particular, regarding the instrument in general, without even giving the contestant a chance to show his stuff.)
The next contestant, who performed a series of fart-like noises by squeezing his palms together, on the other hand, was adulated by the hosts, including being given a four-tick pass to the next stage!
That just about sums it up!?
Serves me right for watching!?

(* including: " That's an instrument that should never have been allowed to be made!" and, "Has anyone ever become a star playing that thing?")
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It was the same in the Netherlands when three accordionists entered that show (two professional players/teachers and one very good amateur) and they got thrown out within 30 seconds.
In Slovakia on the other hand an accordion player won the whole competition...
it was - this summer - Dan Karaty was absent because of covid

Ali B replacing him was a blessing. Surprisingly, also the others went along with it.

What happens is, production does all the pre-selection - then TV auditions deliver a certain random group that passes the jury - then production decides the final cut. So what happens on TV is certainly not the whole story, as it is always with these kind of shows.
it was - this summer - Dan Karaty was absent because of covid

Ali B replacing him was a blessing. Surprisingly, also the others went along with it.

What happens is, production does all the pre-selection - then TV auditions deliver a certain random group that passes the jury - then production decides the final cut. So what happens on TV is certainly not the whole story, as it is always with these kind of shows.
I know that what happens on TV is certainly not the whole story. (The three accordion players that were quickly dismissed are good friends of mine.) It was very clear before they even started that they would only get a few seconds, because of Gordon on the jury. And then the rules of the game state that you're not allowed to publish anything from the event, like a video of your performance on YouTube or Facebook...Watching almost anything on the commercial stations in the Netherlands is a complete waste of time. What they call "the program" is just rubbish to fill the bits of time between the blocks of commercials. And that "filler" is very often also mostly "product placement"... On the rare occasions I tried to watch TV in the USA, two to three decades ago, I thought it was rubbish, but actually it's worse in the Netherlands than it used to be in the USA... I would gladly get a cheaper TV subscription that does not include the dutch commercial stations...
Thanks for responding, guys: you've put it in perspective. I feel better now!??
Never wasted my grey matter worrying what the tv said.... Don't evem have one..
My father told me it was owned by people who wished to addle my brain with so much shite I'd become gullible enough to buy the shit they promoted in the adverts..
So miss him... Wish he was still here and wish id listened more to his wisdoms... ?
In fairness, I would consider being prejudiced against by this kind of program a good sign... Just at what they like in general! (Flight of the bumblebee at maximum speed galore)
In fairness, I would consider being prejudiced against by this kind of program a good sign... Just at what they like in general! (Flight of the bumblebee at maximum speed galore)

In all fairness: me too.

I wore that mask, because I wasn't going to get permanently associated with some internet footage of me getting ridiculed over.

We were fully prepared to get roasted by them. That was fine, as long as the band name went on the air. And it worked, 5 minutes after airing, several bookers on the line. But covid...so no deal.
Jozz, it's still rather brave, nice going.

Regarding that show, and its general nastiness, I'd like to see the equivalent of the Great British Baking Show in a music/talent contest show. "That was lovely, you selected a banger of a piece, and the punchiness and timing were spot on. But you overdid the ornaments -- they were just a little too showy. Still, we'll have you on for three more weeks, trying different approaches. And there's Noel Fielding."
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