Today, it arrived the 2 ordered books: the "Mighty Accordion" and the "Adventures in Bass-Land". I like both, but I think I'll start with the latest, the "Adventures in bass-Land". I mean, to PRACTICE... Because, I'm going to read the "Mighty" too, it seems rather interesting... But, for the first glance, the other book's practices seems more easy and more appropriate for me. Of course it is not impossible that I'm wrong... but now I'll take a try with that. We'll see...
Anyhow, the first big part of the "Mighty" is theory, about the musical score... although I do not know the musical score, but on the same time I indeed know it! Namely, the situation is that I DO know the score(s)... in THEORY. But when I see a score about an unknown melody, I have no idea how it sounds... So the situation is rather similar when a small kid knows the alphabet, but he/she can read an unknown text just very slowly, with great difficulties... character after character... meanwhile an adult one can read at least a half dozen complete words by a quick glance...
So I feel what I need is not the theory of the musical score (because I know it THEORETICALLY) but to PRACTICE it...
Well, in theory, the theory and the practice is the same. In practice, not...