Based on Jerry's suggestion I made my latest recording (BWV1055R movement 3) using 96kHz 24 bit and I must say that the final mix down to 44.1kHz/16 bit sounds fine but not different from my other recordings. The input files are 3 times the size compared to starting from 44.1kHz/16 bit tracks, and I discovered some bugs in doing copy/paste within the n-Track mixing software I use, but other than that I found no difference. I guess that because I am mixing 5 (stereo) tracks down to one stereo CD track any perceptible difference in the individual tracks disappears.
Well, using 24/96k or 24/192k or even 32-bit floating/48k files, these are all standards that far exceed human hearing in terms of specs and ability. Consider it like taking pictures with RAW data and then processing and exporting as JPGs. Prettty much EVERY camera on the market today has that ability and even most cellphone cameras now support the ability to take very high resolution or RAW format files. I've been playing with nothing but RAW format files for as long as it's been out on all my Nikon cameras (since the 1990's). The differences are indisputable.
As far as bugs in copying pasting... I will politely suggest to look at upgrading your software, not all software is equal. Reaper is something that I've used for years and gives me professional results, and has a workflow that not even the tens of thousands of dollars of expensive software like ProTools (the professional recording standard in all high end studios today) offers (loading speed, ease of use and ability to accommodate the needs of the users instead of forcing the user to work in it's more limited workflow).
Also, a "trick" is to not export down all the way to the "bottom" of the range, but record, play and output at higher levels. For example, YouTube accepts 24-bit/96k files in their recordings... and thats what I will put in to those files (I started doing that late 2024, I like what I hear!). Though one has to be super careful with output levels, else YouTube screws with your audio and removes a lot of your hard work making it sound like a low quality audio file.
Moving down to 44.1k quality files lowers a lot of the dynamic range. Consider it akin to saving a picture that goes from white on the left to black on the right in 4 steps versus 100 steps... the one with 100 steps is going to be smoother and less evident gradations in between the steps.
You cannot realistically post process files that have low dynamic range or data in it without loosing more quality when you export to it's final format, but it is easy and better to use the largest files possible to retain all the nuances and then export them to a lower quality format. I find that it is FAR easiest to post process without introducing additional noise (mostly heard as hiss). EQing also becomes a lot easier and more pleasing to my ears using higher quality files than lower quality files. Ultimately, saving them in the lowest possible quality levels WILL strip out some of that quality, thats normal and should be expected.
Of course, your equipment has to support them and you need speakers/monitors that can relay this information to you accurately, else you won't hear it very well if at all.
Audio post processing is no harder or easier than post processing pictures or video, if using the highest quality possible, its easy to go "less" but if you start from the bottom, its impossible to up from there.
Not that I have the hearing of a dog or bat (lol) but I can clearly hear the difference between my accordion recordings of the same clips that are 44.1k and 96k files... there is a smoothness and life that is lost at the lower quality recordings that isn't there at 44.1k recordings. I attribute that to the greater dynamic range. I can also do things like remove furnace noise and background air movement and my voice won't sound anywhere near as robotic, something that does happen when using lower quality files.
Here is a small video based on the OPINIONS of someone else, but they have some nice facts in there too!: