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Sedlon Book Waltz - playing without bass

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trying to get both hands to work seperately but not succeeding yet.
My first full play through of the Waltz in the Sedlon book 1-B

The treble part of the waltz, J.H.Sedlon book page 9

Paul C
Hi Paul. It's coming along. Did you 'do' IA or skip it? How much practice do you do? How many lessons have you had?
I have had one lesson, up to now, with Heather Smith, she lives close by.
She told me the main bad habits to avoid, I had already begun to have.
My main thing I do is at least half an hour a night to go over treble scales and base scale, with some basic notes.
I have been trying out some cords, i can remember from a long time ago.
I have Sedlons book one A and one B.
I may need some discipline and start the first book and go through it page by page.

At present I can do the Waltz treble part and seperately the base part, but not both together. Frustrating.

Can also add lib, the Lili Marlene tune but unfortunately cannot do bass, again.

Paul C
Hi Paul,
Stay practice success {}
Also a bad habit not to look cheerful while playing :D
Ron P
I was really , I mean really concentrating not to make 'any' mistake.
I may be able to smile when I can play without concentrating so much. :roll:
If you are not managing both hands after this time, maybe you need a different approach. I've seen good teachers recommend doing just one bar at a time but both hands together, until you get that bar 'nailed'. Then add the next; then do the next til nailed and add it to the other two and and the next so your doing one then then the first 4 bars etc until you get it all done. You'll notice that they invariably repeat so you'll get the bonus of getting to a phrase you've already mastered. It gets easier (but it is always harder then just the right hand) but you've got to start. Just get the first two 'off pat' the do the next two, then put the 4 together. Then add another one or two. Keep it up, good luck.
You're playing this way too fast for a beginners piece, around 145 BPM. If you don't have a metronome get one, it'll help you a lot.

Once you've slowed it right down to say, 80 bpm, you'll find it much easier to "place" the bass in it's right context. If it's still a struggle, try playing the RH melody while just tapping the LH buttons with the flat of the fingers to get the pulse, locking the two together, then try the actual part.

Is there a tempo marking on the piece?
Actually I'd roll back on what I said first, although still valid and will help you move forward, but:. The 1A book asks you to play one note on the right hand and a um pa pa pa on the left, page 9 and then moves on from there. It probably would help you to go back to there, albeit not a big step back from the piece your looking at.
If you are happy with Sedlon method (I'm a fan, but some prefer Palmer Hughes) and you don't want to pay for a teacher - download the Duane Schnur lessons - they're free. He includes sheet music and sound file for each lesson, and talks through & plays the pieces so you hear how they should sound. And he strips it down so you make progress faster, ie he doesn't do ALL the pieces in the book, so you progress quicker. Don't be put off by the sound levels in the first couple, he gets it sorted.

It takes you from 'simples' to stuff you wouldn't dream you'll be able to play.
Just tried to download some files, it needs winzip, havent got that.
Unless I can find another way of converting them.

His videos look good, with the learning of scales.

Paul C
What windows os do you have, Paul? I think xp, and definitely win7 & win8 all will unzip the files- scroll past the videos to the lessons. Cick on one to download it, then locate wher it is on your pc(with your other downloads) then double click and it will open the contents and you can save the individual files (2 for each lesson) to a separate folder.
Failing that, you can download winzip anyhow.
The classical brigade will probably have a desire to shoot me for this but here goes anyway.

A waltz is a dance and the um pa pa rhythm is an inherent par t of it. If you have never danced a waltz get someone to show you how to do the simple steps. If you cant do this put on a youtube vid or whatever , preferably of Sir Jimmy Shand playing a waltz ( nobody played a more steady danceable waltz rhythm)

Tap your foot to the youtube vid UM = foot down and pa pa + foot up ( or upup if you prefer). In box playing terms Um = bass note and pa pa = chord chord

Next start to play the tune nice and slowly and bearing in mind that the inherent um pa pa rhythm MUST come from the treble end!. Tap your foot to the treble --down upup,down upup etc etc

When this is working simply follow your foot with the bass bass chord chord, bas chord chord etc etc.

Preferable play the tune by ear as trying to follow the dots (unless you are a good reader) can be a distraction!

For what it worth I have taught a good many box players using the foregoing method

Classical buffs may differ

george ;)

A good you tube vid to play along with is youtube Jimmy Shand st Bernard Waltz. Two of the tunes are ones most people will have in their heads to play without the dots i.e Oh Dear What can the matter be and My Bonny lies over the Ocean

Have windows 7 Ultimate but it will not let me winzip, it pops up and tells me to purchase it

Paul C
You dont need to winzip anything.


Heres what it says:

To extract (or unzip) files or folders from a compressed folder

1.Locate the compressed folder that you want to extract files or folders from.

2.Do one of the following:

•To extract a single file or folder, double-click the compressed folder to open it. Then, drag the file or folder from the compressed folder to a new location.

•To extract the entire contents of the compressed folder, right-click the folder, click Extract All, and then follow the instructions.

Ive only got windows 7 home & it does it with just a double click, without purchasing or downloading winzip.
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