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Hi Glug,Talking of sound sets, I did an accordion sound font for Musescore some time back by recording my own Hohner Lucia IV P.
It's what I use for playback in Musescore, but it's a sound font produced with Polyphone so it may well work on other systems.
It's totally free:
I have no idea how this works. Knobby is this site's administrator.Hi Glug,
Do you have any idea why that post is closed for additional replies?
That seems like a fantastic piece of work, and I would like to add something there.
Paul, is there any chance of opening that post for additional replies?
Thanks, Simon
I used to use Finale briefly... about 15 years ago... lolI guess I’m the first one here who uses Finale…
It is really sad that each new major version of Musescore loses the ability to render music made with earlier versions juas as they were with the earlier version. A Musescore 2 file is always scrambled by Musescore 3, and it looks like the new Musescore 4 agan scrambles scores made with either Musescore 2 or 3...Here's what happened vs what it should look like when opening an earlier source file
I use it on Windows.My experience with Finale was also about 15 years ago, having to use it for a class... and it left such a bad taste in my mouth I have never looked at it again.
But different people's minds work in different ways. Finale's workflow must be good for SOMEone.
Sort of the way some people like Windows and some people like Macs. Maybe you have to be a Mac user to like Finale.
Hiya, I've just added a new thread for comments on the original.Hi Glug,
Do you have any idea why that post is closed for additional replies?
That seems like a fantastic piece of work, and I would like to add something there.
Paul, is there any chance of opening that post for additional replies?
Thanks, Simon
I recently tried the new Musescore 4. I liked it other than trying to add fingerings, it seemed like a pain to get them to all line up neatly on a horizontal plane.
I managed it but it was more time consuming than I'd have liked!I'm not noticing that problem, although I'm still on 3, so maybe they changed something?
In any case (and you might know this already), if you open the "inspector" window, that gives you more fine-grained control over positioning. For fingerings, you'll want to tweak the "Offset: Y:" value.