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Sound module + midi accordion + foot switch ?

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Hi everyone !

I've been trying to figure out the perfect MIDI setup for me but it's proven difficult...

I play a reed accordion, but gonna go through shoulder surgery and need to take it easy on the bellow. My accordion (excelsior) has a midi system installed, but I dont know much about MIDI. Basically what I would love is a small sound module (e.g. 2 kilos), that I could connect to a footswitch pedal and program a selection of my favorite sounds into each switch.

That seems very feasible with "bigger sound modules" (e.g. ketron SD3, Orla 800 or so, but these are too big for me. The ketron SD4 looks more appropriate, but it doesnt have a footswitch plug...

Any suggestions ? It'd be even better if the small sound module had some rhythm, which the Ketron SD4 does not have,but most important to me is lightweight, and programmable into a foot pedal.

Thanks a lot !
What midi system do you have installed -- signal output only ??
mmmm yes I think so, no knobs or any kind of control on the accordion itself, just the MIDI output...
Thanks !
Do you have the midi power supply for the accordion ?? Or is it powered by a 9 volt battery in the accordion ??
Your search for a midi expander will have to be for a unit that has musical intelligence otherwise the unit will not perform with your stradella chords. There are models out there from Roland,Solton-Ketron and Orla that have this feature and are going for $100 to $300 US used. Try some sources like ebay and if you find a model, give me a shout. JIM D.
Hey Jim,

I'm not really sure of what you mean by musical intelligence. I saw the Orla xm200 which has sounds, rhythms and can be connected to a switch pedal. From what I got it's about 900$ new and that's far too much for me, unless I find it second hand. Saw some old Ketron that could work too, like Solton MS4 or such.

Would you have any model suggestion on the modules you re talking about ? Do you sell/resell modules ?

Thanks a lot !
Roland invented midi and also the musical (melody) intelligence feature. The accordion stradella chord buttons produce only 3 notes of a Maj. Min. 7th or Dim chord and an expander without the musical intelligence feature will not hear these 3 notes as a chord and not reproduce the proper chord called for. Orla and Solton-Ketron also have this feature in their units. Yamaha does NOT have this feature in any of their units! Used Roland RA-30, 50 and 90 models are good picks and there is a RA-90 on ebay now for $175 or best offer. I would offer $125 and see where it goes. Midi accordions and expanders have been out there for more than 20 years now and with a lot of old midi accordion owners moving up to a Roland V-accordion there a more and more used expanders on the market. I have one used MX4 for sale and a customer has it on loan for tryout. If he doesn't buy it I will be asking $150 for the unit with case,volume pedal,switch pedal and manual. Musically yours: JIM D.
Hey Jim,

Great let me know about the MX4. I actually couldnt find it and its specs on the internet. What is the brand ?

If you still have a little time to spare with advices, I've seen the ROLAND BK7M, which is pocket size. Is that a musical intelligent unit ?
Also why are second-hand Roland RA-xx so much cheaper (~100-300$) than second-hand ORLA XM200-900 or Solton MS40 (700$ and more) ? Is it a quality difference ?

Thanks a lot !
(1) the MX-4 is a Solton-Ketron unit still on loan (2) All Roland products have musical intelligence (3) You will find Roland expanders priced cheaper simply because there a more of them out there (4) in degree of quality the Rolands are #1 Solton-Ketron #2 and Orla #3 JIM D. ---- P.S. The new Roland BK unit can be had for around $1000 USD and requires a $300 USD Roland foot pedal unit. The BK will not accept aftermarket volume pedals and footswitches. All the older Roland expanders will work with aftermarket pedals and switches.
The BK-7M is available new in England for £499 ($750 ish) but I do find the manual obscure, in traditional Roland style.

Leon did a most useful series of videos on the FR-1X and has also done 2 instructional DVDs about the BK-7M for Roxy Music. Unfortunately the DVD's are not for sale as a separate item. A real pity as many would welcome them I expect...I know I would.....


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Roxy's now advertise the BK7 DVD's and the FR-1X starter DVD's as separate items now, and they do ship to the UK.

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