Wash your mouth out Mr. Dingo!
It is quite funny though, mistaking ! for l.
To clarify for posterity, I am a native of Inverness, though my heritage in the male line "Walker" lies deep in the heart of the Grampian Highlands, literally for centuries, and evidenced in genealogical records and oral tradition. As the crow flies, it's maybe 50 miles from where I live now to the heart of Braemar, Royal Deeside, Glen Muick etc.
It is true that there are large and healthy gatherings of Walkers in Lowland Scotland and Yorkshire, England and elsewhere with their own ancient and fascinating stories. However, my line is distinct from these as we are originally of the "MacNucator". To quote the great John Grant Michie who wrote the fantastic old book,
Deeside Tales: Of Men And Manners On Highland Deeside Since 1745, in his notes on
The Personal Names of Highland Mar he writes "In modem Gael, the spelling is MacFucadair, son of the fuller, or in Scotch “waulker,” which gives the personal name Walker".
Michie goes on to reference an interesting Latin document contained in the Clan Grant records -
Notorial Instrument, made on 9th January 1528, on Agreement between the Clan Grant and Tenants of Strathdee on 4th January 1527. The document describes the feud between the Grants of Strathspey and the tenants on the King’s Lands, The Earl of Huntly’s and Gordon of Abergeldie’s, in Strathdee.
The document details the violent raiding, stealing of livestock and grain and basically a big old "beef" between Grants of Strathspey and Strathdee tenants. A number of these interestingly named MacFucadair (Walker) types were named on the Strathdee side, and one appears to be a ringleader as he is named first on the list! Goes to show, unless you are a celebrity or posh, you only get named if you are badly behaved. Still, it was the Grants' fault - no doubt!
Anyway, over the following centuries all these great MacNucators became Highland Walkers and that's the story that I'm sticking to.
Where was I? Oh yes. What I meant to say was - I'm an Invernessian - and we speak the finest English in the World! It's a well known fact (or at least it used to be) - and you can take that to the bank!