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Thoughts on DIY installation of Musictech MIDI system?


Mar 2, 2024
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I have a CBA that I'd like to retrofit MIDI to for silent practice. No need for a bellows sensor, just left and right hand inputs. There's no accordion tech near me, and even if there was, the cost of installation would exceed the value of the accordion. Since I've dabbled in electronics before and enjoy tinkering, I'm wondering if installing, say, the most basic Musictech system myself would be possible. Has anyone attempted a project like that?
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I have a 6-row chromatic button accordion that I'd like to retrofit MIDI to for silent practice. No need for a bellows sensor, just left and right hand inputs. There's no accordion tech near me, and even if there was, the cost of installation would exceed the value of the accordion (an ancient Guerrini). Since I've dabbled in electronics before and enjoy tinkering, I'm wondering if installing, say, the most basic Musictech system myself would be possible. Has anyone attempted a project like that?
Good luck with your project .................keep us informed of your progress
Does Musictech provide instructions for installation? If so, you can probably do it. I am not familiar with Musictech, but I did have a Limex system professionally installed once. I have been maintaining it ever since, have studied how it works, and think I could probably install one myself. Limex is mostly tedious mechanical installation, including attaching many little magnets, soldering and positioning sensors, and drilling holes in your accordion, with sensor calibration afterwards.
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I have done three MIDI installations one in a Hohner Atlantic, bass only, One in a Chinese box, as an experiment bass and treble both
the last one was my Excelsior 940. went well. all three boxes are still working well...the Hohner and the Scarlatti have new owners, and they have had no issues. It can be done if you are 1...not afraid to do it, 2....not in a rush to get it finished, 3...meticulous in making sure the contacts all line up perfectly...especially the magnetic contacts. They are much fussier to install than mechanical ones...I have done both, both work well, but Magnetic takes more care with installation. I have also re-done a magnetic installation that was done for me by a shop. They botched it because the tech was not careful enough setting the distances of magnets on the bass side, and the treble side. some notes worked. some didn't. It was basically un-useable until I took it all out, and re-installed it. So be careful who you choose to do the job.
I have a 6-row chromatic button accordion that I'd like to retrofit MIDI to for silent practice. No need for a bellows sensor, just left and right hand inputs. There's no accordion tech near me, and even if there was, the cost of installation would exceed the value of the accordion (an ancient Guerrini). Since I've dabbled in electronics before and enjoy tinkering, I'm wondering if installing, say, the most basic Musictech system myself would be possible. Has anyone attempted a project like that?
Many years ago a friend and I fitted Musictech Midi kits to our accordions. His was a Piano Accordion, mine was 5 row CBA.
Rather laborious and painstaking but not difficult. The trickiest part was fitting the bass and chord contacts.
I'm in Queensland so PM me if you want to contact me by phone.
Thanks for all the encouraging comments so far. I mentioned Musictech because it's the only one I've heard of. Are there any other companies that sell MIDI systems that can be retrofitted?
Thanks for all the encouraging comments so far. I mentioned Musictech because it's the only one I've heard of. Are there any other companies that sell MIDI systems that can be retrofitted?
My Accordion had the musictech midi system installed from new ............I love it,it has never let me down I ihave done tons of gigs.......any dealings that i have had with company have
always been first class..
I would never attempt or be able to install the system .........its far above my wage Grade !!!!................Goodluck keep us posted on your progress
You are asking us if we know if you can do this?
Wrong person to ask, the person to ask is the one in the mirror. :)

At the very least, you have a lot of homework to do... lots of reading, lots of talking, lots of research. There are many MIDI systems out there at different levels of difficulty and complexity.

There are many people that are not MIDI installation experts that have installed MIDI on their accordions. If you do not know what you are doing, it simply opening a can of worms and setting yourself up for failure, however if you have a strong support person that is READY and WILLING to answer the onslaught of coming questions and has done it many times, then there is a good chance you could accomplish this successfully.
I have installed Musictech in a few accordions before, it's time consuming but with careful planning it isn't terribly difficult.

Musictech will send detailed instructions for the installation so you won't be doing it blind. My advice is to keep a multimeter close by and routinely check your connections so that you don't get too far ahead only to realize you have been wiring things incorrectly.

My other piece of advice, and I think this is most important, make sure your accordion has room for it. What does the space underneath your grill look like? Are the keys going to be hitting the hardware when you press a key? Does the register switch mechanism take up so much space on the grill that you won't be able to fit the module? Is there space between the inside of the bellows and the bass reedblocks to feed the wires through without interfering with any reeds? Is there enough room between the base mechanism and the lid to fit the hardware in? What is the potential you might need to modify all of these mechanics in order to fit the hardware in those spaces? Answering these questions is a good place to start.
My other piece of advice, and I think this is most important, make sure your accordion has room for it.
Excellent point. I had Limex installed in a small CBA (see my profile photo) that had little extra space under the grill or on the bass side. Limex is very miniaturized, but the installer still had to do some modifications to how it was normally installed, and he had to trim the inside of the wood bass panel to make it a little thinner in some areas. I would presume a larger instrument would not have these issues, but it is a good idea to check.
There's a guy in England who fits midi...his business name is Elmat midi....he uses contact strips rather than magnetic....charges about two or three hundred quid to retro fit and often has people coming to him to remove Musictech and replace with his own system....told me it wasn't expensive to produce....I had in one accordion and was great...except I didn't really go for the midi thing in the end....worth contacting him for advice
That’s John Barlow……he has had to basically almost stop due to health issues. He helped me through my very first midi installation. His system works well, but it is not just a turn on/play one. you need to program channels every time you turn it on.
If you can live with that, it works flawlessly. The “ contacts” are actually small micro switches. Cheap, easy to obtain, and not difficult to replace if you ever need to. When you push a button or key, or let it go, there is a tiny click noise …it is barely audible, but if you listen very closely in a quiet room, you can hear it.
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With regard to the Elmat midi system it is a very good system of his own design .. If I may correct you on just one thing his name is JOHN FARLOWE .
He lives in the county of Suffolk England UK
I know where he was based, his last name is actually Barlow, we communicate fairly regularly. And if you check his email address, you will see the correct spelling of his last name.
Yep John Barlow, lovely guy, quirky genius possibly....I never had to alter program channels on my installation...was just plug in and go....impressed...
My other piece of advice, and I think this is most important, make sure your accordion has room for it. What does the space underneath your grill look like? Are the keys going to be hitting the hardware when you press a key? Does the register switch mechanism take up so much space on the grill that you won't be able to fit the module? Is there space between the inside of the bellows and the bass reedblocks to feed the wires through without interfering with any reeds? Is there enough room between the base mechanism and the lid to fit the hardware in? What is the potential you might need to modify all of these mechanics in order to fit the hardware in those spaces? Answering these questions is a good place to start.
Great points, thanks. Although I'm not too concerned about the cosmetic aspect, I definitely want to avoid a mechanical interference issue.