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Titano Tubechamber

John Doe

Well-known member
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Nov 13, 2022
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Scenic Minnesota, US
Came across a video on the Tiyano tube chambers. The question as to what they are seems to come up regularly. The responses generally seem to range from, "Pure marketing hype with no effect" to " Subtle but has some rounding of the tone".

The video is in Italian but can be pretty easily followed along and there is a demonstration of the "with and without" effect towards the end using a Titano Emperor. ( a model which already usually sports two cassotto reeds - for those who wondered whther or not the tube shambers were ever used in conjuction with cassotto.)

I am not endorsing the system myself, but offer it up for general speculation and information.

Yes they were.
Tube chambers themselves are not a radically new concept - it's just one way of blocking direct sound path through the grille.
A much cheaper approach is the "cheesegrater" grille I guess.
You think Luigi just accidentally spilled the contents of his lunchbox onto an accordion grille one day? Ah, never mind, close it and sell it to an unsuspecting customer...
- Mamma Mia, Mario, listen to this new improved grille design!
one band i was a sideman in, italian music, steady gigs at several
Italian bistro's, the bands front man sang the songs mostly in Italian..

so one weekend we had to take all the equipment with us from la Trattoria
(this was back when i owned 3 cordovox's just so we could
leave 2 stages set-up 24/7 and still do weddings)

so since i had everyones gear that Sunday, i made the Zildjian's
shine again and tightened the speakers in the PA system and blew the
dust out of the heads and then i got to the SM58

took the grille off to change out the inside foam-piece, and the
"cheesegrater" was full of some kinda stuff.. closer look i realized it
was dried pasta

background: the leader wrote into the deals that we got fed on every gig

so i cleaned all the grit out, new foam, shined it up, cleaned the xlr contacts

next gig the guy says "wattsa wrong witha my mike ?"

turns out he didn't like his "sound" now that the high-end freqencies
were once again coming through the grill into the diaphram

when i explained why he forgave me, but he never really "liked"
that Mic agan until about a year had passed...
turns out he didn't like his "sound" now that the high-end freqencies
were once again coming through the grill into the diaphram
Reminds me of the guy whose wife passed away after many years of marriage.
She had been a wonderful wife but a lousy cook who always burned the food.
When he remarried, his new wife was a wonderful cook who never burned the food, but he couldn't get used to the new flavour and kept urging her to search out the special spice his first wife had always used and which he now missed.
Try as she might, she couldn't find the missing ingredient until one day, by accident, she burned the food.
Ahh, he said, at last you've hit on that missing spice I've been missing so much!😄
On a similar note- Rafael Mendez "a pretty good trumpet player" had the Olds Mendez models produced and named after him in the early '50's.

They were modeled after his French Besson allegedly a dead copy of the bores though the exactness is a subject of some debate and lives in the land of mythic instrument lore. Not a subject of debate- he apparently complained about the feel* of the valves (metal pistons, not leather...) on his new horn.

He was used to the loose fit of his well worn Besson's valves. The factory dutifully honed the brand new perfectly fitted valves down and continued to do so for him for the next twenty years.

*sonic performance, not physical up and down performance.