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Treble keys on Roland FR-1x don't make sound

Nov 13, 2024
Reaction score
East Hampton, CT
Some keys on my Roland FR-1x produce strange sounds, and some keys don't make any sound at all. Has anyone experienced this issue and knows how to fix it? A factory reset didn't help."
Sorry for your plight; few things are as frustrating as electronic devices (be they computers, phones, instruments, or toasters) which "ought to be doing somthing" but just sit there. There are several afficianados of Rolands and other electric pseudo accordions/ sound control devices on this forum (self not, regrettably among them) and you ought to reap a full plate of suggestions.

Meanwhile, if you forgo the bass side you are perfectly set up to perform John Cage's 4′33″ (Four Minutes and Thirty-three Seconds, 1952), a piece in which the performer or performers remain utterly silent onstage for that amount of time. Something for your classical repertoir...

Again- sorry this happenned to you- Henry
There have been recent posts on this, including fixes: involves poor connections.
Can't recall the detail. Look here:

Roland FR1X fault with treble buttons​


Would the following page help you ?

Your symptoms look a little bit different.
Can you tell precisely which treble keys do not work at all, and which one work strangly ?
Please also tell if your accordion is Piano or button.

Last edited:

Would the following page help you ?

Your symptoms look a little bit different.
Can you tell precisely which treble keys do not work at all, and which one work strangly ?
Please also tell if your accordion is Piano or button.

In addition to CBA or PA, the other possibility if it is a CBA then the mapping of C-gris or B-gris could be a factor?
Sorry for your plight; few things are as frustrating as electronic devices (be they computers, phones, instruments, or toasters) which "ought to be doing somthing" but just sit there. There are several afficianados of Rolands and other electric pseudo accordions/ sound control devices on this forum (self not, regrettably among them) and you ought to reap a full plate of suggestions.

Meanwhile, if you forgo the bass side you are perfectly set up to perform John Cage's 4′33″ (Four Minutes and Thirty-three Seconds, 1952), a piece in which the performer or performers remain utterly silent onstage for that amount of time. Something for your classical repertoir...

Again- sorry this happenned to you- Henry
After getting my Roland FR-8x, I'll never go back to analog instruments. I have five of them, and now they just sit in the attic. Unfortunately, your comment didn't help me, and I can't share your negative feelings towards electronic devices.

Would the following page help you ?

Your symptoms look a little bit different.
Can you tell precisely which treble keys do not work at all, and which one work strangly ?
Please also tell if your accordion is Piano or button.

Thank you Serge for advise. I reconnected everything I could, but it didn’t help. Four notes in the middle of the keyboard produce a dull growling sound, while the rest are scattered chaotically across the keyboard. For example, the first C and the next C# sound like E. When I play chromatic notes upwards, I hear the notes moving downwards.
Hello Viktor,
Please tell precisely which physical keys are not working at all, and which physical keys are strangly working.
What may look as random from a user point of view may appear as consistent from a technical point of view ...

Hello Viktor,
Please tell precisely which physical keys are not working at all, and which physical keys are strangly working.
What may look as random from a user point of view may appear as consistent from a technical point of view ...

Treble section on my Roland FR-1x Upper side to down:

B - growling sound
C - growling
C# - G (2)
D - A# (2)
D# - C# (3)
E - E
F - G
F# - E (4)
G - C# (4)
G# - E 4
A - G 4
A# - A# 4
B - C# 5
C - E 5
C# - growling
D - growling
D# - growling
E - growling
F - F# 5
F# - D# 5
G - C 5
G# - A 4
A - F# 4
A# - D# 4
B - C 4
C - A 3
So, I understand that your accordion is a Piano accordion.
It does not look as a Keyboard Hardware problem, as all keys can be played.
But, the problem is that they are wrongly played....

Possibilities that I see :
- Hardware problem around the sound generation (I doubt, and this would also be difficult to solve yourself)
- Software problem around the sound generation (possible if Sw is corrupted)
- Wrong setting (I imagine for instance wrong Piano/Button setting ...)
- Other ? (anybody has other idea ?)

To check if the Piano/Button setting is correct, please check if you can access the trM ("Treble Mode") parameter in the list of parameters (see page 43 of the User guide).
If you have access, your accordion is wrongly configured
If you do not have access, we have to search for another reason ....

There is a complicated reset, meant to be done in the factory. It is not documented for home use, but I found it ( and did the procedure on my FR1-B).
I also messed up some default settings, by mistake. I think that I posted the procedure.

When I stopped in middle, I got some of the symptoms that you describe. I was able to restart again, and straighten this out, but the changes to the default settings, I was not able to repair.
There is a complicated reset, meant to be done in the factory. It is not documented for home use, but I found it ( and did the procedure on my FR1-B).
I also messed up some default settings, by mistake. I think that I posted the procedure.

When I stopped in middle, I got some of the symptoms that you describe. I was able to restart again, and straighten this out, but the changes to the default settings, I was not able to repair.
Thank you. I took my accordion in for repairs, but I'm not sure the repairman will be able to fix it.

It is a pity ... there were still points that we could check together and that you could solve yourself.
I am interested by the defect that they will find ... if they tell.

The note from Simon is about the FR1 which is very different with the FR1x. As it has no screen, all these procedures are much more complexe...
