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Tuner Climbs as I Play a Reed


Dec 15, 2024
Reaction score
Brooklyn, New York
I'm in the process of mapping the reeds on my Giulietti antique store find. I'm using F-Droid from Github on Linux with a Snowball mic. Many reeds quickly settle on a frequency, but others seem to either jump around, never settling on a frequency, or seem to climb - the longer I play the note, the higher it goes. It's not enough for my ears to pick up, maybe 1-2 Hz, but it's clear that the longer I play the reed, the higher it goes. It seems to happen more on the higher reeds, but I may be imagining that.

Bonus Question: Is it sacrilegious for me to put rhinestones on the Ab and E bass buttons? I did it for the Paolo Soprani and like it. Don't want to anger the Accordion Gods.
there are many noise sources you cannot hear but the mic can
and it causes the tuner thing to be confused

i actually have a condenser mic-on-a-rope hanging over my tuning
platform so it is inches away from the reed being sounded, and i compare
that reading to one on a second KORG tuner on a small shelf above

some tuning devices, like my KORG, have internal settings that force
the device to average the sound a longer moment before outputting
a frequency

location location location

bonus answer: in the USA, even under Trump, you have the right to
use as many rhinestones as you can afford without your children
going hungry, and to glue them in/on anything you own even
your little girls sneakers, even your little girl in some instances..

after all, Doris was done in Rhinestones
there are many noise sources you cannot hear but the mic can
and it causes the tuner thing to be confused

i actually have a condenser mic-on-a-rope hanging over my tuning
platform so it is inches away from the reed being sounded, and i compare
that reading to one on a second KORG tuner on a small shelf above

some tuning devices, like my KORG, have internal settings that force
the device to average the sound a longer moment before outputting
a frequency

location location location

bonus answer: in the USA, even under Trump, you have the right to
use as many rhinestones as you can afford without your children
going hungry, and to glue them in/on anything you own even
your little girls sneakers, even your little girl in some instances..

after all, Doris was done in Rhinestones
Yeah you can adorn Doris all you want but you’re not allowed to teach her to read or write or anything subversive like that. Maybe accordion is ok as long as she plays God Save the Queen. Just sayin’ 😢
When the frequency of a reed is not stable (under the same air pressure) it may be caused by the valve not offering consistent resistance. Apart from the valve on the opposite side of the reed plate there can also be an issue with the valve next to the reed not closing consistently.
Another problem may be with the reed itself. Metal fatigue may cause the frequency to change as the reed is vibrating longer.
Yet another problem may be with the seal between reed block and soundboard... Accordion repair and tuning can be a form of detective work.