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What else do you listen to?

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I thought I had a pretty comprehensive picture of classical music instruments but the "violoncello da spalla" is a new one for me!
The Bach Cello Suites are just amazing. If you ever get into them you will learn of the special instruments that the sixth (final and most intricate) may have been written for. This (violoncello da spalla) is just one of the possibilities.
As of now I must own at least a dozen different recordings of these wonderful pieces of music.
Here's a video of the first movement of the first suite played on a very special accordion:
So I assume that as we all play (or, certainly in my case, are trying to learn to play) the accordion that at least a little of the music we listen to is accordion or accordion based.
But what other type of music do you regularly listen to and enjoy? If you were putting some music on at home to listen to / dance around to / do the housework to, what would it be?
For me it would be EDM, or more specifically Deep House. As an example:

I listen Didgeridoo "music", too. I also have didgeridoo, and play on it. But I wanted something more serious, this is why I decided to learn piano accordion. It is much more complex.
I like however cither (zither), too. You can hear it rather frequently in Hungarian folk music, and some pieces of them I very like.
I listen Didgeridoo "music", too. I also have didgeridoo, and play on it. But I wanted something more serious, this is why I decided to learn piano accordion. It is much more complex.
I like however cither (zither), too. You can hear it rather frequently in Hungarian folk music, and some pieces of them I very like.
I also like the zither and especially the hammered dulcimer. It's fascinating how quickly it can be played with all of the strings. It's a very nice sound and is played all over the world.
I also like the zither and especially the hammered dulcimer. It's fascinating how quickly it can be played with all of the strings. It's a very nice sound and is played all over the world.
Well, this is the first case in my life to hear about the existence of "hammered dulcimer"... but, as I "googled" about it, well it seems it is a very close relatives of the (in Hungary) well-known musical instrument, named "cimbalom". It is also known on this name in the English-speaking countries, although it is written sometimes as "cimbalon".
And YES, I VERY, VERY like the cimbalom-music!
Watch this video, see how this (Hungarian) guy is playing on it:

(the poor artist is died already... sad event, because he was the absolutely best cimbalom-player of all times in Hungary, but probably on the whole world as well...)
I seem to remember a time when the cimbalom was virtually synonymous with Hungarian Gypsy music.?
Yes, you're absolutely right! Actually, this statement is true in these days, too. Although there are some "not-gypsy" Hungarians too, who play on cimbalom excellently. But that ability is far common among gypsies, yes. (The proof of my statement: I am not gypsy, and cannot play on cimbalom... although I wanted to learn it in my childhood, but my parents refused to buy me one...)
And, the Cimbalom is very common in the Romanian music as well.
Well, this is the first case in my life to hear about the existence of "hammered dulcimer"... but, as I "googled" about it, well it seems it is a very close relatives of the (in Hungary) well-known musical instrument, named "cimbalom". It is also known on this name in the English-speaking countries, although it is written sometimes as "cimbalon".
And YES, I VERY, VERY like the cimbalom-music!

(the poor artist is died already... sad event, because he was the absolutely best cimbalom-player of all times in Hungary, but probably on the whole world as well...)

Before I started playing accordion, I played double bass. I was in an orchestra for a few years. One year, Háry János was on the program. We needed to find a cimbalom player in the US, and eventually had to fly someone in to perform with us. That was a fun program.

There's occasional ? touches in k-pop.

I wrote about my ignorance of the genre here:

There was a Korean accordion music style called "trot" ("toe-ro-tey"? I think it comes from foxtrot) in the 1950s. So the accordion may be kind of a Lawrence Welk/Jimmy Shand touch? More about that here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trot_(music)

My fav Korean accordion videos are by this North Korean group Dallae 달래음악단. I still want to know what's up with their "soldiers at the DMZ" video. No idea.
I like Hurdy-gurdy, too. The name of that musical instrument in Hungarian is "Tekerőlant" or "Nyenyere", I wrote this info only because maybe and perhaps somebody would like to search such a music on youtube based on the Hungarian name... because, this musical instrument is well-known in Hungary, and are frequently used in the old Hungarian folk music.

(The beginning is maybe not too interesting, but several seconds later it'll be good).
Another example (especially after 2:40, approximately) (rather medieval feeling!):

This is also very good (after 0:30, approx.), this is a solo:
Thanks for sharing the clips, CC!??
It's amazing how these old instruments hang in there: maybe there's hope for the accordion yet???
Thanks for sharing the clips, CC!??
It's amazing how these old instruments hang in there: maybe there's hope for the accordion yet???
Who knows... Hurdy-gurdy is still frequently used in Hungarian folk music, that's true... but, unfortunately, the whole traditional folk-music is on the way towards the extinction in Hungary.
My opinion is, dear friend is, that I myself - and surely you too, and most probably everybody on this forum - are species from an old era, which is on the way of being devastated and forgotten in whole. We're the "last mohicans".
The traditional old music is killed by the modern trash. As I mentioned in an another topic, you remember! It is killed by the mass-production of (junk...) "music" (that is, cacophony...)... and the old musical instruments are killed by the synthesizers... but, I am actually not angry fo the synths, because the synths themselves are also on the way being killed... namely, by the automatic music-creator computerprograms! They're very good already... I know some of their creations. These creations are beyond doubt very far at those ones which can be made by a talented (diligent, well-educated...) human musical creators, okay... but definitely far, far better than the 80% of the musical mass-products in these days!
So, musical instruments IN GENERAL are on the way of being extincted as the dinosaurs... as well as the "human performers, musical entertrainers" and the "human musical creators".
The only socalled "musical instrument" remained in the future is the computer on which are installed the necessary program, that computer will be both the "performer" and the "musical creator" (the "author").
Very sad...
But we're "fossils" from other aspect, too. Namely, as I've been writing once, I am author. Novelist. But who's reading nowadays?! Almost nobody. I mean, to read book for the enjoyment of the read story, so not to read a news on a webpage... but to read a REAL BOOK... especially, a PHYSICAL book, a printed book, paper-book... but in these days even the digital books are going to extinction... the young ones are simply not able to enjoy a long text, independently at its appearance, that is, it is digital or printed. They just want movies. But they (the young ones) are so STUPID, that I detected: they're not able to concentrate their attention to a long movie, it is too boring them, this is why they like "Tik-Tok": that short time (maybe 3 minutes maximum? I do not remember the exact value of duration...) is far better them. This is that very limited interval opf time why they're able to watch something with full "brain energy". Then they click on a yet another new short video, in order to get the new "adrenalin impulse" into their bloodstream...
Too bad, too sad.
We're going to the new economyc system, the Idiocracy...
We, in this forum, are really the last ones who're determined to sacrifice serious time and energy to LEARN something SKILL... to work hard for a faraway but noble goal... Other people pursuit only "instant gratifications"...
But my motto is: "Today I learn what others won't. Tomorrow I can do what others can't".
But the young ones don't understand why is it better to create something through laborious, exhausting work, than just simply having it, for example buying it with the money we have?
In my eyes, however, creators are clearly superior beings. And all this can be summarized with my other motto, 'What you create is what you really are!'
Another reason of the creation and learning is, that people can take everything away from you, deprive you of all that you now possess, except for ONE THING, and that's KNOWLEDGE! This is an eternal value, which if obtained once remains yours forever!
But very few people is able to understand this truth...
They see only that learning and create something is tedious, needs great effort, it is fatiguing... and ALL THIS IS TRUE!
But... still... as I wrote into one of my novels:

It is fatiguing, and a successful result isn't guaranteed at all! The thing is, anything Great comes with suffering, and we must accept that. Unfortunately, people are generally too addicted to comfort to ever sacrifice the present for a far better future gain. But some people believe that even the path they follow toward the faint traces of their distant goal is worth heading down, because the mere voyage into the Unknown provides them with such tremendous 'happiness' that nothing else can rival it! I have labeled this happiness Creators experience as 'True Happiness', which is basically 'Meaningful Suffering'. Yes, it is suffering because as you just said, it's tiring. But if you follow this path and undertake this suffering, your life has a goal, a purpose... This path, that of the Creator, is the only one that makes a person a real Human, being more than a match for animals… I must frankly admit that in my opinion, those who only live for the small daily delights, who search purely for instant gratification because they have no endurance to fight for distant yet noble goals, they aren't even real humans, just speaking animals!
Thanks for sharing the clip ??
An interesting use of ancient instruments in a new idiom.?
Yes, I found that odd too .
Perhaps it's a remnant of some wartime collaboration, such as manning the armament on some armed merchantman in a convoy or other??
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