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what Roland SET do you use live most?


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Nov 7, 2017
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The Netherlands
After one unsatisfactory try-out a while back I once settled to never use my Roland FR1x live on stage.

This week I have been practicing to change that.

To all of you who use a Roland on stage:
- what SET do you prefer that work well?
- any typical settings?

I guess I'm searching for a nice sound without having to try everything out over a PA first. What sounds good at home doesn't necessarily sound good out there I guess..

(I am going through a PA, not the onboard speakers)

Hi jozz,
sorry, but I cannot answer your question because I wasn't gigging yet with my FR1x.

But my thoughts were that I would first choose the sounds which fit best to my music style or the particular song styles in my playlist. Probably using a proper headphone (studio type monitoring headphones if available).

These 'favorite sounds' I would then save into user programs (UPG) and then tweak them to my liking while connected to the PA you will use on stage.

If you or your band don't have your own PA / active speaker system and need to use the system of the clubs I would tweak the sounds with the headphones and hope that the club's PA will have a good enough EQ to offer a "linear" amplification / projection through their speaker system. I vaguely remember that there was already some discussion in this forum: Either use your own PA or tweak the sounds so they work on linear amplification systems.

Tweaking the sounds I personally tend to set the reverb to almost zero - just enough to mimick the "resonance" of accoustic accordions. More reverb I mostly find sounding "artificial".
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Hi jozz,
sorry, but I cannot answer your question because I wasn't gigging yet with my FR1x.

But my thoughts were that I would first choose the sounds which fit best to my music style or the particular song styles in my playlist. Probably using a proper headphone (studio type monitoring headphones if available).

These 'favorite sounds' I would then save into user programs (UPG) and then tweak them to my liking while connected to the PA you will use on stage.

If you or your band don't have your own PA / active speaker system and need to use the system of the clubs I would tweak the sounds with the headphones and hope that the club's PA will have a good enough EQ to offer a "linear" amplification / projection through their speaker system. I vaguely remember that there was already some discussion in this forum: Either use your own PA or tweak the sounds so they work on linear amplification systems.

Tweaking the sounds I personally tend to set the reverb to almost zero - just enough to mimick the "resonance" of accoustic accordions. More reverb I mostly find sounding "artificial".
Tweaking the sounds I personally tend to set the reverb to almost zero - just enough to mimick the "resonance" of accoustic accordions. More reverb I mostly find sounding "artificial".

This is extremely important. The amount of reverb on a lot of the factory sounds is insufferable. Years ago I removed it on the three or four main accordion sounds I predominantly use and it makes a world of difference.
a little update:
I refrained from trying it out right this weekend

by coincidence, there was an 'entertainer' type accordion player at the same gig with an FR8x
very competent at keeping a song going with only a sustained bass sound, percussion and singing
he did a solo in almost any song, with a instrument sound suited to the genre - lots of organ/Wurlitzer type stuff going on
he really had a lot of experience in balancing the sound in each song

used two Bose L1 columns + Tonematch mixer, which was okay indoor I guess but as it was outdoors with a lot of chatter going on he projected only 5 metres into the crowd sadly
I have had my FR1x for a year now and play out about 6 times a month, some in a group, some solo and my default is set 32, either 3/1 and then 3/4 which is not far off a proper musette sound. I love this setting for all sorts of styles but yes, cut the reverb as a good start. It comes through the PA really well and I think almost everyone thinks it’s a standard acoustic instrument (including my old accordion teacher and some fellow musicians).
Jozz, it depends on what the desired effect is wanted... are you trying to get a "realistic"acoustic sound going? If that is the goal, then first rule of thumb is that you minimize electronic effects like echo/reverb/delay. Second would be to avoid organ/orchestral sounds. I know that this is very general, but best I can do for your specific case. :)

Me, when gigging and using the 8X, I go the opposite direction, but don't forget, I play solo, not in a band, and feel it helps that I add all the bells and whistles like orchestral and organ sounds as well as an arranger.