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Are Nijkamp premium sound set for Roland accordion worth it


Apr 3, 2022
Reaction score
Hello Everyone,
I own a Roland Fr8x B.
I really don't use it as a full orchestra, but just as a numeric accordion. I am very glad to change the sound of the accordion and I am very sensitive to the different sounds of accordions. I do not really have time to program it.
I would like to know if some of you had tested the sound packs (set) made by Nijkamp Accordeons.
I would be interrested in the Guerini, the Johnny Meijer, the Cavagnolo or the Gola sound packs.
I am wondering if it is worth it (each pack is 69€, which is not nothing to me) or if it is just a small improvement in comparison with the sets preinstalled on the fr8x.
There is a discount of 20% until the end of july, so let me know about your experience.
Any advice on other sets of accordion sounds will be also higly appreciated.
Just a little note… there are no sets out there that add any new sounds to the V-Accordions, these are just sets created using all the internal sounds of what ant 8X comes with. You are paying for the programming, nothing else.

Are they worth it? Depends on you!

Personally, I am a fan of the Richard Noel sets.
Hello Everyone,
I own a Roland Fr8x B.
I really don't use it as a full orchestra, but just as a numeric accordion. I am very glad to change the sound of the accordion and I am very sensitive to the different sounds of accordions. I do not really have time to program it.
I would like to know if some of you had tested the sound packs (set) made by Nijkamp Accordeons.
I would be interrested in the Guerini, the Johnny Meijer, the Cavagnolo or the Gola sound packs.
I am wondering if it is worth it (each pack is 69€, which is not nothing to me) or if it is just a small improvement in comparison with the sets preinstalled on the fr8x.
There is a discount of 20% until the end of july, so let me know about your experience.
Any advice on other sets of accordion sounds will be also higly appreciated.
If you believe that any programming (sound pack) done to the FR8X will make it sound like a Hohner Gola, I am pretty sure you are in for a disappointment. (I have not heard it, but given that it is likely impossible and given who sells it, the chances that these sound packs will make you marvel about the new sounds of your Roland are pretty slim.)
If you believe that any programming (sound pack) done to the FR8X will make it sound like a Hohner Gola, I am pretty sure you are in for a disappointment. (I have not heard it, but given that it is likely impossible and given who sells it, the chances that these sound packs will make you marvel about the new sounds of your Roland are pretty slim.)
I have heard 4 Gola sets to date and own a partially completed set that I have been working on for fun, I can promise you that none sound like a real Gola, however, that doesn't stop me from having a little fun and playing with it. :)
Can I please say that if someone out there knows anything about these
Nijkamp Accordeon sound packs,
I, for one, would really like to read about their experience.
Thank you.
Can I please say that if someone out there knows anything about these
Nijkamp Accordeon sound packs,
I, for one, would really like to read about their experience.
Thank you.
Somewhere in the past, I remember a post on this forum on the Nijkamp sound pack. I looked briefly, but couldn't find it. Maybe you can do more searching on the posts on this Forum. I believe the person doing the post had a problem with one of the sets causing a lockup on the accordion. I also remember a possible solution, but my memory is getting "fuzzy" now and can't recall any more detail.
It was when one of the sets tried to be opened to be modified… if just installed, it worked fine. Ventura found a nice little workaround.
you can find a playthrough of the sets on Youtube

they are progammed by Pieter Bosma, Nijkamp's repair tech and digital specialist
Jazz: Thanks - I had seen some of their offerings on YT. Comments are v positive and I see Nijkamp are working thro' a pile of projects.
JohnM: Thanks - possible use caution then? I'll do a search.
Many thanks for your answers. It is the end of the discount, so I think I will follow some of your advices and spend some times trying to program my own sound. I hadn't really dive in the editor for windows, but I installed it and it works. The posts of Ventura on other threads conviced me to give it a try because It is worth it for sure. If I can't find enough time to program or just can't manage to get the sounds I want (because I think there is some work here) maybe I will go for the sound packs at the blackfriday. In the meantime, I will be very happy to hear the feedback of someone who bought the packs.
I personally find the Nijkamp files overpriced for what they offer. I say that after spending the last hour or so listening to the youtube samples. The Noel sets are more varied and a much better bargain.
I personally find the Nijkamp files overpriced for what they offer. I say that after spending the last hour or so listening to the youtube samples. The Noel sets are more varied and a much better bargain.
No surprise here. I personally find that *everything* Nijkamp offers is vastly overpriced. But the store exists for many decades already, so clearly some people must still be shopping there...
Coincidence time. I was wondering if that dealer was reputable. They have two beautiful new MMM Borsini (Mengascini) "Shanty" 34/72s on clearance at a big discount, stumbled across them a couple of days ago on Reverb. One has already sold. Never heard of that store, and perusing the other stock listings on their site I was shocked at how much higher their asking prices are for items that are easily checkable elsewhere.
Hello Everyone,
I own a Roland Fr8x B.
I really don't use it as a full orchestra, but just as a numeric accordion. I am very glad to change the sound of the accordion and I am very sensitive to the different sounds of accordions. I do not really have time to program it.
I would like to know if some of you had tested the sound packs (set) made by Nijkamp Accordeons.
I would be interrested in the Guerini, the Johnny Meijer, the Cavagnolo or the Gola sound packs.
I am wondering if it is worth it (each pack is 69€, which is not nothing to me) or if it is just a small improvement in comparison with the sets preinstalled on the fr8x.
There is a discount of 20% until the end of july, so let me know about your experience.
Any advice on other sets of accordion sounds will be also higly appreciated.
Like you I have a FR8X and I am only interested in the accordion aspect of the the instrument. Having looked and listened to videos of Pieter Bosma playing Nijkamp accordion sounds, I was blown away, I believe he is the programmer. The musettes are delicious for want of another word. He does use electric bass and acoustic chords on some of the programmes . Check him out on YouTube .

I purchased the musette programmes, worth having in stock, good value for money.