Quick hint. When using the arranger bass, do not press the bass/chord button more than once for every chord change, and if your arrange is setup to listen to your chord changes from your chord buttons, avoid the bass/counter-bass rows entirely, that way you don't introduce additional bass hits that sound as if they are off beat.
yes, that is it exactly.. why i do not use an aranger liike most of you
it is unnatural for me to interruptus my normal left hand attack,
which for the most part is more like a Bass player anyhow..
while i have had the KORG's since the i series began, only used them live
as drum machines at first, the way i had been using electronic sidemen
since my first ACE, and then to run MIDI files live as i developed that
repertoir over decades
it was not until TECHNICS came out with their PR series Piano/ensembles that
i could actually do live backing patterns complete with chorded triggered
accompaniment, as it was the first device that could SCAN THE ENTIRE KEYBOARD
and therefore allow me to trigger the changes with my right hand
it being quite natural and seamless for me to comp a full chord on any
downbeat then keep on a rolling with the right hand melody or counterpoint..
this happened when i had a side job in a Mall Music/Piano/Organ store,
and i could "front pump" a Technics unit one handed for hours effortlessly.. needless
to say they sold like hotcakes too, though it drove the company crazy as they were
still focused on Organs, not accepting that market had basically died anyway.
the Technics people were delighted.. they still had Joey doing their Organ
clinics when they showed the line off to Dealers at NAMM and such,
but then they grabbed me to show how the Piano looking devices,
with a little shift in thinking and a monster right hand, could blow away
the competition. One of the best Jazz Box men i ever knew, Gene Bond,
put a Technics ensemble at Mino's bistro and walked in. flipped the on switch,
and gigged there 5 nights a week for years with amazing results..
some of the later Korg keyboards also added full keyboard scanning,
and i may end up going back to such for some gigs in future as i
become less able to handle weight, complexity of equipment, etc.
so this new KORG i bought might end up having more duties than
converting MIDI files to Audio tracks or as the studio handy input device
99% of what i play has the same format every time.. there are yo many chorus
then turns every so many measures.. playing a pattern with left hand
live triggers = zero difference to running the track from a MIDI file
EXCEPT YOU CAN CONCENTRATE on the cool stuff and let your "sidemen"
do their jobs flawlessly every time without breaking a sweat
even adding tricks or timing changes is no big deal if you are the type
who automatically remembers where stuff is in your arrangements
once you lock the songs basic "map" in..
i recommend some of you render a few of your oft-played songs into
MP3 backgrounds using your arranger, and prepare to be suprized how that
alows you to expand a performance of those numbers in a fresh and
actually unfettered way..