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what's your favorite piano accordion?

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Mar 1, 2020
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I have been fortunate to have a couple of great accordions, both old and new. I'm liking the old classics, seems like they were well made.  What's everyone's favorite?
I've crossed over to the CBA side but of the pianoboxes I owned my favourite was the Hohner Atlantic, it came to me by chance, I never thought I'd want a 120 bass, but it was a big understated highly competent friend. I'm glad it went to a good home, in Scotland.
TomBR said:
I've crossed over to the CBA side but of the pianoboxes I owned my favourite was the Hohner Atlantic, it came to me by chance, I never thought I'd want a 120 bass, but it was a big understated highly competent friend. I'm glad it went to a good home, in Scotland.

I also crossed over to CBA but the favorite piano accordion I owned before this move was the Bugari 289/ARS/C5. Great sound, 45 notes on the right hand side, and 58 melody basses with a convertor mechanism that worked 100% flawlessly. (And believe me, not all convertor mechanism work flawlessly, not even all the ones on Bugari accordions, but this was was a joy to use.)
Hi Dan,

Tough question !

I suppose I like my old Arietta best, though it isn't without its faults. If you expand the question to include instruments I may like to own, that would be another matter. (and the same may be true for many people.)

Kind Regards,

Hi Dan,

Thank you for expanding the question to include aspirations.

The majority of my repertoire fits into the "Folk & Popular" music genre, and I very rarely stray far from my comfort zone. With that in mind, most instruments are "good enough" for my requirements.

A dear friend of mine owns a beautiful Bugari, which I have had the distinct pleasure of playing once or twice. The Bugari sounds better in his hands, but I was able to play a few decent tunes on it.

Other than that, I like the sound of Sonola & Excelsior accordions.

Realistically, given the type of music I play & the venues I frequent, it is more likely that I would buy a Pearl River. (I already own a Chanson.) They are not the best accordions in the World, but they are quite suitable for the stuff I do.

Best Regards,

Someone I know plays a Scandalli 37/96 Double octave, double cassotto instrument. It sounds magical. Would I want to buy one? No, not really. But I do like listening to it. Of the instruments I own I think my favourite would be my Fantini 30/72, a perfect size for traditional Breton and French folky dance music.
My Bugari 72 is my favorite to play because of the sound and ease. I’m sure there are much nicer ones, and one day I’ll go to Pennsylvania and New Jersey and try out as many as I can until the store owners kick me out.
That said, the Victoria Poetta and Bugari Xoana look great and the recordings I’ve heard sound great.
danp76 said:
Favorite piano accordion or one you would love to own?

love to own:
48 or 72 Hohner Anacleto / Latino full deco - black and gold

nice and kitsch

My Borsini Vienna K11 Though I love my new Giustozzi model 12 and I’ve always wanted a Ranco Antonio Supervox, preferably 5 voice.
In my learning curve of trying to kearn to repair and tune accordions (not nearly anywhere in the vicinity of this elusive goal) I acquired a first generation Hohner Atlantic IV Deluxe. In very bad shape, but I really like this thing. Thinking of buying one in good shape ...
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I play PA and CBA and I have to say I love those big Italian 120 bass instruments from about the mid 70s to 1990. I have 3 Crucianellis 1 Arpeggio 1 Zero Sette but my favourite is my Guerrini Symphony President.
For acoustic P A's I also like a Giulietti 127 and also models of Excelsior Symphony's made in the late 50's early 60's.
For electronic P A's I prefer my Roland FR-7x
Seems like this is a question we answer every year or two, never gets old. For my available budget, I'm totally happy with my Piatanesi. Would prefer a 4 treble voice 72 bass but too late now. Would like to get a Roland Fr1B for quiet play some year.
Too late....If you were 23 years old and, unknown to you, were going to die 4 years later, would you buy that 72 bass accordion if you could afford it and really really wanted it?
I'd always stick with Pigini, whether for piano or chromatic button accordions. If weight weren't an issue, I'd have a bigger beast with more voices, but as it is, I can just about pick up my C37 and lug it around, and I wouldn't swap it for anything else.
Too late....If you were 23 years old and, unknown to you, were going to die 4 years later, would you buy that 72 bass accordion if you could afford it and really really wanted it?
Hi Eddy, thing is I have the 3 voice 72 bass which I bought to have a smaller, lighter instrument. I love it but miss the 4th voice of my "big" accordion. I can afford to replace it but then would have to find a buyer, order a new one, etc. and am too lazy!
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