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Where to buy straps

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I picked these up from squeezeboxmarketplace.com today and I'm quite happy with them!

Off topic...At first glance I thought that was some sort of Concertina with all those buttons there...what exactly is that? (name&model)....curious!!
Off topic...At first glance I thought that was some sort of Concertina with all those buttons there...what exactly is that? (name&model)....curious!!
It's this but they're not currently making (or even servicing!) them anymore as the company is now a 2 man operation

It's pretty similar to any Italian 'bayan' though, just a large CBA with free bass and chin switches 🙂
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Have to chime in here. I bought a set of Hohner neoprene straps some time ago (almost 6 years ago) from a retailer, and today when I went to play I couldn't help but notice this...at first I thought the stitching had given way but the neoprene has also separated. Disappointing for sure as they were very comfy. So no, at this point I would not recommend them, as they were also on the expensive side. Granted I have used them a lot, and the last time I played I actually fastened the back strap only to find I'm about as large as I have ever been so there undoubtedly was some strain...

Going to try actual Neotechs now...hopefully they last longer!

EDIT: Neotech are not available direct to Canada, but Long and Mcquade carry them so one is now on order...
One can also order the Neotechs online at Amazon.ca and eBay Canada... but besides the fact that I never found them as comfy and supportive as quality leather straps, this would be a reason why I would just avoid Neoprene overall for any serious long term use.

I've recently been "reunited" with my old Scandalli accordion that used to be mine when I was 8 to13 years old (full story here), and what I have decided to do is upgrade to 5" Italian leather straps for the Hohner Morino, move it's 4" leather Morino straps to the Imperator and move the 3.5" leather straps to the Imperator and move my velvet 3.5" of the Imperator to my just returned Scandalli Brevette (the dance of the shoulder straps... lol)

The current straps on the Brevette I will be returning to my aunt, they are 2" wide leather/cloth with Edelweiss flower designs on them... totally not my style. :)

As far as where I will be getting my straps from, I would only consider 2 places, honestly... Anderson's Accordions or from our very own Jim D. here via Falcetti Music in Springfield MA. Keith Anderson will get first crack as he is closer in Canada, but if he cannot find what I want (I am thinking 5" elephant straps this time for the Morino!), I am sure Jim D. would be able to help.
One can also order the Neotechs online at Amazon.ca and eBay Canada... but besides the fact that I never found them as comfy and supportive as quality leather straps, this would be a reason why I would just avoid Neoprene overall for any serious long term use.

I've recently been "reunited" with my old Scandalli accordion that used to be mine when I was 8 to13 years old (full story here), and what I have decided to do is upgrade to 5" Italian leather straps for the Hohner Morino, move it's 4" leather Morino straps to the Imperator and move the 3.5" leather straps to the Imperator and move my velvet 3.5" of the Imperator to my just returned Scandalli Brevette (the dance of the shoulder straps... lol)

The current straps on the Brevette I will be returning to my aunt, they are 2" wide leather/cloth with Edelweiss flower designs on them... totally not my style. :)

As far as where I will be getting my straps from, I would only consider 2 places, honestly... Anderson's Accordions or from our very own Jim D. here via Falcetti Music in Springfield MA. Keith Anderson will get first crack as he is closer in Canada, but if he cannot find what I want (I am thinking 5" elephant straps this time for the Morino!), I am sure Jim D. would be able to help.
At some point in the future I hope to buy a new from the factory accordion to my spec, and at that point I will definitely shell out for some nice leather...

In the meantime, cool story! Wow that accordion would have been an absolute monster for a young lad. I wonder if the angled playing form (out of sheer necessity) augmented playing ability at all looking at those photos...and I cant help but wonder if anyone has ever tried making a shin stand :unsure:...

Should have looked harder into alternatives for my neotech, amazon are the cheapest, oh well, guess I am supporting the lesser of two large corporate evils this way through L&M...interesting to note that Neotech sells direct on amazon, but doesnt indicate that on their website.
In the meantime, cool story! Wow that accordion would have been an absolute monster for a young lad. I wonder if the angled playing form (out of sheer necessity) augmented playing ability at all looking at those photos...and I cant help but wonder if anyone has ever tried making a shin stand :unsure:...
Well, while playing, I know that this was a habit that was often reinforced to never look at the keys. I cannot tell you how many times I felt the snap of his baton against the forearm for sneaking a peak at the keyboard.

Keith Anderson apparently has a set of 5" elephant straps with my name on them, so those are going to be shipped out sometime over the next few days. They're little more expensive, as I wanted the all leather (not the velvet ones which were lower priced), so that is going to be a fun mini-project to do once I get them in. I'll start a new post and maybe take a few pics. :)

I also had a short but super interesting conversation with him about something that is going to happen this summer... not something that I want to reveal just now (lol), but let's say that it is going to be an amazing event and I will post it here and on my website as it unfolds.
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