I've always assumed that when more buttons than the basic C are marked custom dictates it is the E, G# and Ab, Fb.
I now have two PA's- one an Excelsior Symphony which appears to have factory dimples on the C, B and Db. (The other is a noname generic which asserts that it was made in Italy- probably in the thirties.) The workmanship on the dimples (minescule jewels on the second) is such that they really appear to be a factory "as made" job.
Not hard to get used to (as in five minutes playing since I rarely "feel for the dimples" (except when positioning at the start and even then not so much) but really a bit of a surprise when I first discovered it- naturally enough while playing a new piece... "That can't be right". On an "Alphonse Capone, Northside" custom I could see it sort of- but Excelsior was a real name brand in the fifties.
Is this marking pattern at all common or was it simply a bad day in the office when they assembled my accordion?
PS I have no intention whatsoever of altering it- a curiosity and a minor shock when I first noticed it but not worth the trouble to change.
I now have two PA's- one an Excelsior Symphony which appears to have factory dimples on the C, B and Db. (The other is a noname generic which asserts that it was made in Italy- probably in the thirties.) The workmanship on the dimples (minescule jewels on the second) is such that they really appear to be a factory "as made" job.
Not hard to get used to (as in five minutes playing since I rarely "feel for the dimples" (except when positioning at the start and even then not so much) but really a bit of a surprise when I first discovered it- naturally enough while playing a new piece... "That can't be right". On an "Alphonse Capone, Northside" custom I could see it sort of- but Excelsior was a real name brand in the fifties.
Is this marking pattern at all common or was it simply a bad day in the office when they assembled my accordion?
PS I have no intention whatsoever of altering it- a curiosity and a minor shock when I first noticed it but not worth the trouble to change.